
Yo Yo My Sovereigns, Wattup?

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Joining me, on this;


Covid Breaking,

Instant Enlightenment Causing,*

Game Changing,

Video Sensation,

* May not actually cause instant enlightenment

Is, the Legendary Co-Founder, of The D-Files,

The Tapping Man himself,


Sam @eftnow

Having decided to return, from an early retirement, to fight on the front lines, against the stupidity pandemic, Sam realised the best way to make a dynamic impact on the realm, was to appear on DTube, with me.

That, and DTC is now $1, and going up.

Whilst everyone else has been pre-occupied with; The US selection, covid-19, the pending world economic collapse, climate change, draconian lockdowns, and anti-science government mandates,

We decided, that it's about time, that someone discussed the important issues.

Please join us, as we bend, twist, and warp your reality, until it hurts.

Due to the reality shifting nature of this video, we must stress, that it is not for everyone.

As such, in the interest of public safety, we recommend that you first take the below IQ test, before watching this video.


Step 1. Stand in front of the mirror, and look at your face.

Step 2. Compare the image that you see in the mirror, with the 2 images below.

Step 3. Select which of the below images, closest resembles that of your mirror image.

IQ Test.jpg

As always, please let me know your thoughts, in the comments below, or as a video, and link it, in the comments below.

If you would like to do a collab with me, or be a guest on, "Meet The Sovereigns", then let me know in the comments below, or hit me up on discord - Bobaphet#5613

Also, make sure that you give Sam a follow on Hive @eftnow

and, if you like this video, then you'll love


Please enjoy.



Think, Believe, Achieve.

Video outro clip made by @steemersayu907

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