Today I show you the collection of plants that I have

I currently have 4 female plants that are already with a good bud production and a rich aroma, two of my plants are from the genetics that I harvested at the beginning of the year and gave seeds, the other two are a spice that I do not know.

Because of the rate at which one of my plants is going, I am sure that in about two weeks I will harvest, the only disappointment is that this plant grew very little and I expected to have something with a height greater than one meter but she chooses the height according to the environmental conditions.

In my opinion, this plant will have a production of less than 50 grams.

Another of my plants that reached a lot of height had problems with the production of buds due to an iron container in which it was previously. Luckily now it is in a very large pot and it is recovering at a good rate but it still does not produce buds, I provide the soil with nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. I think that in a month I will start to see some interesting buds on this plant.

This other plant is quite a strange species for me because the pistils or white hairs that can be seen on the plant have a strange shape, each white hair is wound in a spring shape and they look like sweet gummies. This same plant I have given to one of my cousins ​​and apparently it is auto because in less than 2 months it already has impressive buds.

Finally I have a small one that was in a pot in which it could not grow due to the rigidity of the earth and could not achieve a single white hair, now that it is on the ground in my backyard it is beginning to show interesting signs of being female, I hope this same plant in a few weeks grows at an interesting rate and can show it off in this community.

I like to show off in a good way because I take pride in having plants and that they grow strong and healthy.

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