United Kingdom Festival - Final Preparations (and Reward Pool Increase / Winners)


Preparations for the first leg of the Rising Star Festival World Tour are going well and we just did the final sound check with our awesome headliner "The Risers".


As mentioned in a previous post it will cost you 1 STARPRO each to do the 52 festival missions throughout the year and you can either bribe security with 1 STARPRO or convert backstage passes to STARPRO each time you want to start a mission.

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The first festival available to all owners of STARPRO and/or a Backstage Pass will be the United Kingdom and will be released at some point during the morning in the UK tomorrow (no specific time set).

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We look forward to welcoming you backstage to meet "The Risers" and our other fantastic bands!

Reward Pool Increase / Winners

There was no Radio Evolved yesterday due to the football match between England and Italy (which England lost on penalties!) so I will be doing two weeks worth of prize draws for people who have written high quality posts about the game.

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Every week we use a formula to decide if we are able to increase the pool or not. This week we were able to increase the pool!

The pool will grow in a sustainable way and the more players you can bring to the game the bigger the pool will become so spread the word and why not get some friends to sign up and help them create their Hive account!

Cheers and rock on \m/
Jux and the Rising Star team.

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