Overnight astrophotography hike

Mount Baker, Milky Way, and Perseid meteors (4 exposure stack)

A few days ago I finally got to do a trip that I have been planning for a very long time. There is a ridge accessibly by a 3 mile (but quite steep) hike with incredible view of the Cascade mountain range. The main deterrent had been the lack of streams and snowfields to get water from so you have to carry in all the water you'll need, which for this trip weighed over 12 lbs. That plus another 12 of camera gear on top of the camping gear made it an intense hike in, despite the relatively short distance.

Panoramic view of Mt Baker (right), Mt Shuksan (center), and others

After setting up camp at a decent saddle I headed up to the next knoll to make dinner at the viewpoint and watch the sun set. After dumping some gear and water at the campsite the pack was a bit lighter, but still full of heavy lenses, food and warm clothes. Incredible views only 15 minutes away from camp. The return hike was no big deal, even by headlamp at midnight. I got extremely lucky with my timing picking the only clear day between the oppressive wildfire smoke.

Wildfire smoke laying low between the smaller peaks

The sun and moon setting behind city lights

About 40 miles from the nearest city, there was still some light pollution and a bit of haze, but the elevation was high enough that there was minimal impact overhead. The horizon was still impacted, but overall I'd say it was a successful trip. Mission accomplished. Even got there near the peak of the Perseid shower! I'm really enjoying astrophotography now that I have some more experience; and the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 doesn't hurt. My limiting factor is now the APS-C sensor on my 70D. Next comes investments in a full-frame body and wider fast lenses.

Mount baker and the Milky Way (11 exposure panorama)

If you stuck around this far into the post your reward is my favorite photo from the trip. For a lack of wider lenses I had to shoot this one in 11 parts and stitch them together but I am thrilled with the results. Since I was just experimenting I had low expectations and they were absolutely blown out of the water!

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