New paths; Exploring the NFT space as a photographer.

After several weeks of studying, and research, I finally decided to try my hands on the NFT space. Is that a great move? I really don't have an answer to that. In my life, I've lost out on many things simply due to my inability in trying it out or taking risks.

Early this year, I tried to get into the NFT space using the one that existed on Hive blockchain; NFT showroom. Rather unfortunately, I couldn't get in. NFT showroom wasn't admitting photographers/photography content. I don't know if they do now. The rejection(sort of) made me think I wasn't going to be viable in any NFT marketplace as a photographer.

I've since axed every NFT thoughts from my mind, since I couldn't get into NFT showroom on Hive. Few weeks ago, a friend talked to me about NFTs again. While he's a digital artist, he gave me hope that I could succeed as a photographer(giving examples of photographers in the space). It has been in my thoughts since then, and today, I acted.

Being a portrait photographer(majorly), I feel like chances in the NFT market are slim, Portrait photography are usually considered basic. However, I'm aware that I've created reasonably outstanding pieces of work, that should have proper value.

Works like these;


Well, while these pieces of work are valuable to me, the real question is; are they worthy of someone's interest, will they put money on them(my work)? I won't know the answer to these questions if I don't try. So here's me announcing that I'm now on an NFT market space; opensea precisely. Opensea is my preferred market for now because it's more user-friendly.

I've setup a collection on Opensea; "Kodeblacc's Brainchild". I'll need all the support I can get from here. You might not necessarily purchase my work, but a share would go a long way. In the general scheme of things, having photographers sell out on NFT market places will also boost collectors interest in photography.

I've currently minted one of my works;

KDB_8882 (1).jpg

Check out this NFT

Please check it out, and if you like it, please buy and share 😁. Thank you very much for your anticipated support.

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