Blue Hue Light From Fly Zapper

So I've recently been following an online photography course to improve my amateur skills. It was an excellent course, the best I have ever taken, and it armed me with the knowledge to at least try and take better photos in environments I'm not used to.

So the other day I was walking into the kitchen and I noticed how nicely framed the light from the fly zapper was on the window frame. Giving off a lovely blue light.

So I grabbed my new Canon 250D and started experimenting with the few settings and I think I got a great shot.

IMG_7604B (NXPowerLite Copy).JPG

I love the framing on this. My only disappointment is the electric lead running from the unit. Tried to remove in Photoshop but my skills proved too little to do a good enough job.

Anyways, hope you like the image. I love the lighting.

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