Dronephotography - Beach Vibe Edition

Greetings Photography lovers,

I bought my drone back in Dec 2016... And it's one of the best decisions I've made in my life! It may seem like an overstatement to you but it's really not.
I love traveling and I've always loved taking pictures. I started out with disposable cameras and working my way up through cellphones (always picked the one with the best camera!) but the drone... The drone has taken all of that to another level!

Not only can I take better pictures but it has been a creative outlet for me for years now. I've brought it (and my phone) along on most of my travels now and I've gotten so many shots over the years! I'm talking beaches, jungles, mountains, rivers, cities...

You have to see it to believe it but flying a drone reveals so many angles you didn't even know where there. I've now seen cities where I've been for years in a different light, seen roads I didn't know existed, and got videos that just weren't possible before...

It's actually a challenge to choose which pics to edit and share...

But this time I'm going for the Beach Vibe!

Fun fact: My drone, a DJI Mavic Pro, is called Gunther (proudly named by my two younger cousins, don't ask me why) 🤣🤣🤣

I hope you enjoyed them!
As always, if you have any tips, questions or comments, let me know below.
Or let's just connect.


Gyanno (& Gunther)

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