My love for gourmet photography details as you have done.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-02 at 12.55.22 PM (1).jpeg

My love for gourmet photography details as you have done

When I start my culinary project I use some elements that help me to highlight the decoration of the dishes.

No matter how simple the preparation is, playing with natural elements gives the photography a fresh and pleasant visual language.

In this post I will show you an example of where to find some resources.

From cutting it to occupying it is an enjoyment, because its green color and the smell it has is very pleasant.

This photograph is taken with natural light in the morning of a sunny day.

This photograph is taken with window light, where the sun's rays enter bathing every surface of these leaves.

Spraying a little water on the leaves gives a fresh look, ideal for the photo to be seen with more contrast.

For the main course photos I used an Led lamp and a translucent diffuser to soften the light that hit the elements to be photographed.

The black elements give a little bit of shadow to the images and this helps the photo to have volume.

All the pictures are taken with a cell phone and the idea of my posts is to teach those who don't have a camera to use the resources they have to improve their photos and make their posts better every day in terms of images.

I don't use tripod and all the images are taken and published without editing.
You can see more of them in the food post I made here is the link.


This post is 100% original, the writing, photos and content are of my authorship. use the text separators made in Canva, the photos were taken with the smartphone camera and use the translator deepL.

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