How do you feel in a foggy forest?

If you have never been in a forest while it was completely foggy, then you should put this on your bucket list. To witness fog in a forest and being there while everything gets blurry is a unique experience.


I am an old soul at heart so I really love moody scenes and I enjoy being alone in nature when the weather goes bad. I feel better when most people feel depressed and want to go home. I love the forest because there aren’t so many people there and it is quiet. I love rain, thunders , strong wind and the woods. I have found a healing anchor in my forest and somehow I miss it so much if I am unable to go in the week-ends there and get away from the noisy city where everybody else thinks that their problem is the biggest and the worst. Don’t we ever realize that we are in fact such a small part of this vast Universe?

I was super lucky to catch a very foggy day early in the morning. It blew my mind. I always hope for fog but I know that it needs special conditions in order to be super thick and to last.
So how does it feel to be there, alone in the woods and have this thick fog around you?


Magical. Peaceful. Calm. It feels like I am in a fairytale. One could say that you can get scared if you do not see far away or get distorted horror scenarios with creepy foggy forests playing in their mind. None of these feelings were experienced by me. I took my Fuji camera and tried to capture it fast so I could then walk through the forest and enjoy it. I believe that often people miss the beauty of a moment because they rush to capture it when instead they should stop, enjoy and take a mental picture. One of the best memories I have in my life were never captured on camera, they are in my mind, forever in my soul.


I think of how small all of my problems seem to be when I am in awe admiring nature and its beauty. It’s not just about the fog, it’s about the fact that I am aware that those trees will outlive me, that those rocks are older than I can ever imagine and that somehow this Planet is a levitating miracle that people should appreciate more. When I saw fog all around me I realized how beautiful is this Planet and how lucky I am to be able to breathe fresh air, to be able to walk and admire the woods and feel calm and serene. There will be always something humbling when you are alone in nature, especially if you witness strong storm, a heavy rain, a thick fog or giant piles of snow carried away by a harsh wind.

I hope that I will catch more mornings like these, it was totally worth it to be up very early and have these beautiful scenes feed my eyes and soul.
Have a great day and toodle loo!

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