Flagstone Steps - Annapurna trekking - Nepal

Hello to all!

Here I want to describe one of stopping places during Annapurna trekking, a peaceful place named Flagstone Steps.

The name 'Flagstone Steps' derived from the shape of the stones in many parts of Annapurna trekking, a great work! Tracks are made by flat stones, usually very steep.

We started from Pokhara town. Here its wonderful lake:

After some kilometers by car, we took the bag and we started walking along a track through some fields, where farmers worked and lived:

After reaching a village, we took a descent steep track to find a place where sleep and rest. It was late afternoon and some curios monkeys from high trees stared at us.

One porter of group:

Finally, we reached Flagstone Steps, a remote place on the border of the forest, with a few houses, a shop and the 'Green view restaurant', let's say a Nepali bed&breakfast.

We stayed at a traditional family home, very hospitable, and we slept in same spartan rooms under the roof. First meeting in the room was with a huge spider...

Now, a bit of relax!
Day has been very long and we were very tired.

Me, happiness, my camera and a cup of tea:

Here a little shop (Mars, Coke, Apple cider, Sprite, etc. etc.):

Here the place. As I said before, some houses, a restaurant, some sellers, tibetan flags to throw prayers into the wind, colorful clothes hanging, animals... and the colors of autumnal forest:

Some farmers, older and younger:

Night was approaching with wonderful red sunrays:

Time to dinner. Here the main room where family had dinner.

They were preparing a chicken and a pizza for us, cooking them in a typical hoven:

I liked true light of the place, but it was very dark, so I used a bit of flash light and relative long time of exposure (1/15 or 1/8) to recreate warm atmosphere of the scene.

Here a short 'burn' of the chicken, directly on the flame:

Here making the poor chicken in pieces, to cook it:

Ps: after the chicken, she cooked a delicious pizza just for me, but just before dinner I had suddenly a strong stomachache and I could not eat... She (the cooker) thought I didn't like it, but it wasn't true, I really liked it but I took a bad virus/bacterium and I felt very bad.
Next days I walked the same, but I could not eat something different from onion soup and coke for four days long, after this period I completely healed.
In Nepal there are many virus/batteries unknown by our western bacterial flora, so some health problems can happen, also paying maximum attention... But with medicine, time and patience all can be solved.

Pictures taken with Nikon D800, 24-110 F4.

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