Baringo lake - Kenya

During our trip on Kenya, we visited Baringo lake, located between Nairobi and Turkana lake, in the north of the country.

Baringo lake is a volcanic freshwater lake of 130 square kilometres and an altitude of 970 metres above the sea level, placed on East African Rift.
It has no obvious outlet. The waters are seeping out slowly into the volcanic bedrock, and it is deeper near these volcanic bedrock. Depth is between 4 meters to 25 meters around an island placed in the middle.

The main bird is the African Darter ('Aninga Africana' in italian language), very elegant, with its typical neck S shaped, useful to fish very fast: they don't miss the target ever!
In the following image this bird and, in background, a fisherman on a typical boat.

Approching seashore:

The water level is increasing in last year, so water started to submerge forest, it is why you see so many trees and branches pop out of the water.

It seemed to be in another dimension, a spectral forest in a double azure sky, inhabited by many African Darter like tightrope walkers on dry branches.

Sometimes ready to fly, going faraway from us, and then coming back:

Going around the lake, we met some people fishing or washing clothes on seashore. This lake is a delicated ecosystem where animals and people live in balance.
Baringo lake gives food, water and all the need to the all tribes and animal species around it, like an unique "body" where everyone must respect this rich environment.

Here some big nests:

Here fisherman washing and cleaning fishes:

Also small children collect and work for the community:

Some fatiscent colorfull houses with people around them, washing themselves or washing clothes:

On seashore you can meet also small Nile crocodile.
They can produce seventy eggs at time. Mother takes eggs in the mouth to protect them, and after she brings them into the water.
If they have much food, they grow fast, otherwise they remain small such these ones, showing us a wide smile:

Here the Great White Heron ('Grande Airone Bianco', in italian language):

and the Little Egret ('Garzetta' in italian language):

In the middle of Baringo lake there is Ol Kokwe island, where Njemps tribe lives. I will talk about them in one of the next post.
Going to the island, we met an eagle:

Near the island seashore, some people belonging to Njemps tribes and some children playing in the hot steam of a geyser (the island, as I said, has a volcanic origin):

Here exact location of Baringo lake:

(image by Google Maps)

Thanks as usual to @mauro-debettio for the wonderful opportunity to visit this place!
Support and follow him and his Malaika foundation!

Pictures taken with Nikon D800, F4 70-200 (except two pictures with Sony Alpha 7iii).

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