It looks like it's summer!

Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck gettin' dirt and gritty

Summer In the City © Trio Music Company, Alley Music Corp., Mark Sebastian Music, Marquise Cut Publishing, Alley Music Corp

No, It wasn't so bad ;)

It was a little bit lazy but a perfect day. I found an excellent object for learning photography - it didn't move, and I could sit calmly by the Vistula River and play with the settings on the camera.



It is a Benedictine monastery in Tyniec near Krakow, built almost 1000 years ago. Beautifully situated on a high rock, one of the favorite excursion destinations of the city's inhabitants. Of course, this is not its original shape - over 1,000 years, it has been damaged many times by fires and neglect. In 1816, the abbey was liquidated by the Austrian partitioners. Now it looks impressive, but before 1939, it was partially in ruins.

It is how it looked like during the war (the destruction happened earlier):
(Image comes from the Polish National Digital Archives; it is in the public domain:


I don't know about you, but I have no problem with the ruins. If a building is ancient, it's natural it is not in good condition. But in this case, the reconstruction made sense - the Benedictines wanted to return to their old seat. It happened in 1939, and in 1969, after more than 20 years of reconstruction, the abbey was restored. And I'm happy about it. I am an atheist, but I appreciate every cultural heritage; It is a part of our history, regardless of beliefs.



The buildings have been rebuilt, but the walls still look old - I like it.




So ... As I said, lazy afternoon. A nightmare for people who need adrenaline;) But I can sit like that for hours, just watching and thinking. Trying learn something.

And I guess it was my first try to catch fast moving objects.

I took about thirty photos and chose only two :)


The blur of the boat is on purpose here. I also tried blurring the background and get focus on the motorboat but failed. Next time maybe :)


It seems that summer is here for good. I wouldn't say I like hot weather, but I'm not going to complain - you can find something suitable for yourself at any time of the year.
In summer I can enjoy warm evenings and nights, lovely mornings, long days, lush nature and holidays, smiling people... is it not enough?


Have a nice week 🍀


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