Prayer for the Gulf

Originally published Youtube Jun 10, 2010
2,122 views as of today

Oh, Earth Mother we are begging you to stop this oil to run
Oh, Earth Mother we are begging you to stop this oil to run
Oh, Earth Mother we are begging you to stop this oil to run
Oh, Earth Mother we are begging you to stop this oil to run
Oh, Earth Mother, you are bleeding, oil is seeping into your seas,
Mother Earth make it stop, we're begging you, we're on our knees,
Ancient Mother, you can do it, seal the breach beneath you seas.

Oh, Great Spirit, hear our prayer,
Oh, Great Spirit, hear our prayer,
Come and restore what's right and true,
What's beautiful, good, alive and free!
Blessed angels, we beseech thee,
Blessed angels, come to us,
Come and defend the lives we cherish,
Help us abate this oily sludge!

All images taken off internet, thank you unnamed artists!

Earth Mother painting by Marcine Quenzer

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