La Bikina. Flauta / Cover by @Maria1728


Hola una vez más apreciados compañeros de esta gran plataforma, #Hive. Y pues, un saludo especial a todos los que conforman esta hermosa comunidad, #Music.
Les traigo una pequeña interpretación de una pieza muy conocida, “La Bikina”. Aunque compuesta por el mexicano Rubén Fuentes en 1964, hoy en día ha sido muy popularizada por el célebre Luis Miguel.

Hello once again, dear colleagues of this great platform, #Hive. And so, a special greeting to all who make up this beautiful community, #Music.
I bring you a small interpretation of a well-known piece, “La Bikina”. Although composed by the Mexican Rubén Fuentes in 1964, today it has been widely popularized by the famous Luis Miguel.

Esta hermosa pieza, ha tenido infinitas interpretaciones, en las que se incluye nuestro querido cantante oriental Gualberto Ibarreto.

This beautiful piece has had infinite interpretations, in which our beloved oriental singer Gualberto Ibarreto is included.

Letra / Lyrics

Solitaria, camina la bikina
Y la gente se pone a murmurar
Dicen que tiene una pena
Dicen que tiene una pena, que la hace llorar
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Pasa luciendo su real majestad
Pasa, camina y nos mira sin vernos jamas
La Bikina, tiene pena y dolor
La Bikina, no conoce el amor
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino y se fué
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
La Bikina, tiene pena y dolor
La Bikina, no conoce el amor
Altanera, preciosa y orgullosa
No permite la quieran consolar
Dicen que alguien ya vino Y se fué
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Dicen que pasa las noches llorando por él
Lonely, the bikina walks And people start to murmur They say you have a pity They say that she has a sorrow, that makes her cry Haughty, precious and proud It does not allow them to want to comfort her He passes by wearing his royal majesty Come by, walk and look at us without ever seeing us La Bikina, has pain and pain La Bikina, does not know love Haughty, beautiful and proud It does not allow them to want to comfort her They say someone has already come and gone They say she spends her nights crying for him La Bikina, has pain and pain La Bikina, does not know love Haughty, precious and proud It does not allow them to want to comfort her They say someone has already come and left They say she spends her nights crying for him They say she spends her nights crying for him They say she spends her nights crying for him

Espero les haya gustado esta interpretación que con mucho cariño he preparado para ustedes. Cuídense, nos veremos pronto.

I hope you liked this interpretation that I have lovingly prepared for you. Take care, we'll see you soon.


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