#RockClassics - Omega (Hungary)


for today's #RockClassics, the # tag by my friend, @uwelang, will do something that I seldom do, and that is writing about music in other language than English or German, if it has lyrics.

As I'm touring Europe before it is locked again, I landed a few days ago in Hungary. On the radio, there was a song that I've not heard in a long time, Gyöngyhajú lány or better known as The girl with pearly hair is a song written in 1969 and released in 1973 by the Hungarian band Omega. It was one of the few songs that manage to hit the charts from behind the iron curtain.

Seeing the success, they've made also an English version, called Pearls in her hair.

And also a German one, Perlen im Haar. Please don't mind the accent, as it was sung by a singer who has grown up in a Communist country without access to Western languages. Also, Hungarian is hard to translate and is different structured than English or German,

There are a lot of covers to this song, and as we spoke of German let's see the DDR version of it, by Frank Schöbel

And to mention the most known cover version of it, there is the need to mention Scorpions, with their White Dove.

And a Kanye West version, which ended in a lawsuit and an out-of-court deal.

Do you know this song? Do you have some other interesting ones?

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