"SORPRENDE A COOKY" - Tres increíbles regalos / SURPRISES COOKY - Three amazing gifts.

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Today I bring three special gifts for Cooky, some of you may not know this cute bird, so was I, but when my friend @oscurity made a post saying that his cute and loving bird is turning 5 months old that's when I finally got to meet him in the pictures oscurity took. Cooky is an Agapornis roseicollis, and they are well known as love birds, this beautiful bird was bought by oscurity when he was very small, he always took care of him with a lot of love and enthusiasm, until now thanks to the effort that oscurity made this little bird whose name is Cooky has learned incredible tricks, and is a great companion, and not only that but he likes to tickle oscurity's ear. And something that made a big impact on me was that Cooky knows how to dance, and for that I brought him a surprise gift that you will see below.

Hoy traigo tres regalos especiales para Cooky, algunos no conocerán a esta linda ave, así mismo estaba yo, pero cuando mi amigo @oscurity hizo una publicación diciendo que su linda y amorosa ave está cumpliendo 5 meses ahí fue cuando yo por fin lo pude conocer en la fotos que oscurity tomo. Cooky es un Agapornis roseicollis, y son muy conocidas como aves del amor, este hermoso pajarito fue comprado por oscurity cuando era muy pequeñito, él siempre lo cuido con mucho amor y entusiasmo, hasta ahora gracias al esfuerzo que hizo oscurity este pajarito el cual se llama Cooky ha aprendido trucos increíbles, y es un gran compañero, y no solo eso además le gusta hacerle cosquillitas a oscurity en la oreja. Y algo que me impacto bastante fue, que Cooky sabe bailar, y para eso le traje un regalo sorpresa que lo verás a continuación.

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Let's start by presenting the first gift🎈🎁./Empecemos presentando el primer regalo🎈🎁.

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Música de rap para cooky en su cumple de 5 meses.

Rap music for Cooky on his 5 month birthday.

Esta canción la escribí el primer día que me enteré que Cooky cumplió 5 meses, como dice la canción en una parte que dice así (su hermosura a mi me cautivo) pues es algo muy cierto, ya que la hermosura de este tan adorable pajarito es llamativa y me hizo querer tener uno, al otro día Salí a ver en las tiendas de mascotas buscando un agapornis pero no la conseguí, me dijeron que a finales de mes le traían varios pajarito bebe nuevos. También me animé a subir mi primera canción de rap solo para darle un regalo a Cooky, espero les guste y principalmente a Cooky. Dale play.

I wrote this song the first day I found out that Cooky turned 5 months old, as the song says in a part that goes like this (his beauty captivated me) because it is something very true, since the beauty of this adorable little bird is striking and made me want to have one, the next day I went out to see in pet stores looking for a lovebird but I did not get it, I was told that at the end of the month they brought several new baby birds. I also decided to upload my first rap song just to give Cooky a present, I hope you like it and mainly Cooky. Hit play.

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The second gift that came to my mind was to write him a nice poem where little by little I talk about Cooky and all the joy he brought to @oscurity. Read the poem, and I hope Cooky likes it anyway.

El segundo regalo que se me ocurrió fue escribirle un lindo poema donde poco a poco voy hablando de Cooky y de toda la alegría que le trajo a @oscurity. Lee poema, y espero que le guste a Cooky igualmente.


Such a beautiful bird that I saw in Hive,
In a photograph that orscurity took
The beauty of that bird,
Captivated my heart.

That bird that I could see
Which orscurity named Cooky
An Agapornis roseicollis
The most peculiar little bird.

When Cooky was a baby,
@oscurity fed him,
As Cooky grew up
Joy he brought to all his family.

Cooky, a very playful little bird,
Who knows how to dance,
Known as a bird of love.

Today she's all grown up
5 months old now
Oscurity in his mind will say
It was worth taking care of him
Cooky is a great companion
And he learned a lot of great tricks.

We all love Cooky
That's why we brought him presents
I just brought the cake
So that we all together with cooky
On his birthday, let's sing to him
We'll make him feel so happy
That when he dreams
He'll see us singing and celebrating his 5 month birthday.

That will be a unique day,
That ha cooky we'll give him
I hope you like my poem
Because with love and motivation
I wrote it in pencil on a piece of paper
This has been my gift to Cooky with a lot of love!!!!

Un ave tan linda que en Hive vi yo,
En una fotografía que @oscurity tomo
La belleza de esa ave,
Cautivo mi corazón.

Esa ave que yo pude ver
La cual oscurity, le puso como nombre Cooky
Un Agapornis roseicollis
El pajarito más peculiar.

Cuando Cooky era un bebe,
Oscurity lo alimentaba,
Mientras cooky crecía
Alegría traía a toda su familia.

Cooky, un pajarito muy juguetón,
Que sabe bailar,
Conocida como ave del amor.

Hoy ya está más grande
5 meses está cumpliendo
Oscurity en su mente dirá
Valió la pena cuidarlo
Cooky es un gran compañero
Y aprendió muchos trucos fantásticos.

Todos queremos a cooky
Por eso le hemos traído regalos
Yo solo traje la torta
Para que todos junto con cooky
El cumple meses, le cantemos
Lo haremos sentir tan Feliz
Que cuando sueñe
Nos vea cantando y festejando su cumple de 5 meses.

Ese será un día único,
Que ha cooky le vamos a dar
Espero te guste mi poema
Porque con amor y motivación
lo escribí a lápiz en un papel
Este ha sido mi regalo para Cooky con mucho amor!!!

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And for his last and great gift, I have come up with the wonderful idea of creating a birthday banner for Cooky, wishing him a Happy 5th month birthday.

Y para su último, y gran regalo, se me ha venido la magnífica idea de crearle una pancarta de cumpleaños a Cooky, deseándole un Feliz cumple de 5 meses.

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As you can see, every gift for Cooky was made with a lot of love and inspiration, because we all should have a Happy 5 month birthday just like Cooky, in which I would like to be at his party to give him his first present myself and congratulate him.

Como podrán ver, cada regalo para Cooky lo hice con mucho amor e inspiración, porque todos debemos de tener un Feliz Cumple de 5 meses así como Cooky, en el cual quisiera estar en su Fiesta para darle yo mismo su primer regalo y felicitarlo.

This has been my entry to friend @oscurity awesome contest for Cooky.

Esta ha sido mi entrada al increíble concurso del amigo @oscurity para Cooky.

The rap base I used for the song is free to use, here is the youtube link to the video of the creator of the rap base. Link to the base

La base de rap que use para la canción es de uso gratuito, acá os dejo el link de youtube directo al video del creador de la base de rap. Link de la base

The images I used of Cooky for the video are from my friend @oscurity.

Las imágenes que use de Cooky para el video, son del amigo @oscurity

All images and photographs I upload, unless I specify otherwise, are made and owned by me. @josueprime highly original content.

Todas las imágenes y fotografías que subo, a no ser que especifique lo contrario, están hechas y son de mi propiedad. @josueprime contenido original.

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