Do You Like You?

Has anyone ever created not have a particular feature that beautifies them? Some have beautiful smiles that melt the heart, some could be their nose or the shape of their body and the list can go on and on.

In a nutshell, no single human being is the same or perfect, and that is okay. If this is so, why then do we compare ourselves? so much to one another. Why do some of us seek the approval of others badly?

Why don't we realize that everyone is beautiful in their own way?
Who even set the beauty standard anyway?

The pressure from society never ends which has made many feel insecure about themselves.
Some will go to any length, break their backs, and even go under the knife just to create their ideal beauty that society will accept.

Isn't it crazy, for one to try so hard to create the perfect look for people who do not even care about them?

Someone commented on my new look two weeks after I put to bed, oh, dear you no longer look as sexy as before, of course, this came after he told me congratulations on my newborn.

I was like, wow❕ man, I just carried whole human beings inside of me for nine months, and this is what I get from contributing to the continuation of human existence?

Coming from someone with a wife who had gone through the birthing process, you would think that he would know better about what we women go through just to bring another life into the world. But no, he let an ideal image of me in his head take over his thinking.

Of course, comments like that would never get to me because I know that I am worth much more than my physical looks, or some post-birth flesh on my face.

Sadly, comments like that have made so many women throw their self-esteem into the gutters.

A mother of one once said to me, oh, she no longer looks beautiful and truthfully she looks so incredible that if one isn't told one would easily believe she has never been through the birth process.

I tried to let her stop believing those lies she had been told many times. She is beautiful, even if not for her stunning looks but for bringing forth another human being into our world and for striving day and night to give that child the kind of good life she deserves.

The earlier people know how to see others' beauty beyond their physical body the better the world will be.

Okay, now I am not saying one should not keep fit or take good care of their body but just remember that whatever we choose to do, it should be done because it is what is best and healthy for us, we do it for ourselves and not because of some monsters called beauty that the society has created.

And remember that when you are all alone, by yourself, you look into the mirror and like you, you see, that is all that will matter.

The most beautiful people I've ever known aren't those with the most perfect faces or shapes but they are people with beautiful hearts, people with contagious smiles on their faces, they radiate emotions of kindness, positivity, and courage from inside. The moment we learn to focus on that, a person's true beauty is revealed and can be appreciated.

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This post was inspired by the song called Try by Colbie Caillat. It pumped up on my notification yesterday from my Tick Tock app, I reluctantly gave in to watch the Tick Tocker performing it and I'm still glad I did. I am beginning to love that app these days, even though I'm not that active over there, they have been managing to give me good content, especially music.

In this video Colbie Caillat an American singer and songwriter captured in such incredible ways why we should learn to accept ourselves with all our flaws. And not let people who never really cared about us make us doubt who we are.

This song is nine years old but it feels more relevant in our world today than when it came out. I think anyone, especially our teenagers, needs to hear that we don't have to try so hard to change so that we can be accepted by others. Even though in reality they never really cared.

If you made it to this point, thank you so much, come along with your earpiece or headset and enjoy this beautiful song with me.

Bye for now🥰🙏❤

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