My entry: Ecency Art Contest

Hello lovely people,
My name is Suzy-Ann, I'm 21 years of age and I'm so happy that I've been introduced to this community. I haven't been doing much creative stuff lately so I'm glad that this contest gave me an opportunity to be creative once again.

About this art piece:
This art was digitally drawn and took me under 2 hours to create using the mobile application Medibangpaint. I came up with the name for this art piece, "Ecency Hero". I was inspired by Comic book superhero Batman. The young lady in this art piece is supposed to represent me, an Ecency user and supporter. with this I would like to celebrate Ecency.

I've just started using Ecency and I will say that it is a great app. I'm so excited to share this with you all. This was super fun to draw, Thank you.

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