Why I am a Backstreet Boys Fan || KTBSPA

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only fans know what that means


I have spoken about this in the pass so I'm not going to rewrite the whole story on how I found them, this post is just to go through the reasons why I am still a fan after 21+ years.

28 years Unbreakable

This is one of the main things that have me still supporting them as a band, I mean they are 5 grown men who meet each other when almost all were teenagers, they have grown up together and more than team members they are like brothers and it shows.


They formed the band in 1993, and even tho they had had their issues and fights and even had to take some time apart, they have never stopped being friends just like real brothers you can fight and all but will never stop loving your family, this has given me an awesome view on them and made me admire them even more.


They are grateful and nice to their fans

I never had the chance to actually meet them in person, the closer I have been to them is first row on a concert, but even tho they were at one point one of the most famous band on the whole world with millions upon millions of screaming fans, they always manage to make it seem like they like every single one of us, I have not read a bad comment from anyone with them I have friends who were lucky enough to go to their meet and greets here in my country and they say they were even nicer than what they though.

Now I know they are humans and probably have their bad days and all but they try their hardest for their fans and that is something a lot of us appreciate, they really make us feel especial so that makes me love them even more.

I really love their music

I got to listen to them when I was 12 going on 13 years old, back them I was totally a pop little girl, my music taste has grown obviously and expanded but at heart I will always be a pop loving girl, I find that music just catchy and, in the boys, particular case I really like the lyrics to some not all to be honest.

I HATE the most famous one of their songs I Want It That Way to me that song is weird and confusing and doesn't make any sense at all, but they have the most beautiful songs as well like this one for example.

or my all time favorite

The people and friends I have made because of them

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I have this group of girlfriends who I met through the “official” fan club in my country initially call the Backstreet Team and later call the Backstreet Army of Venezuela I met them in 2007 and we have been friends ever since, we even had a nickname for our group we called ourselves the The PiroBSBGirls or Piro Girls for short LOL, we have obviously grown pass that and have our lives full of responsibilities now but we are still best friends and always supporting each other on each and every steps of our lives.

This group of girls is the one thing that makes me love my boys even more, without them I wouldn’t have met the greatest friends I could possible have and for that I'm thankful.

we even had a twitter account called pirobsbgirls

I learn another language because of them

Because I wanted to understand his lyrics and not just be one of those who sing a song without knowing what it said, I started to try and learn English, back them I also started high school and we have a mandatory English basic class, this help a lot in my journey learning English, but the motivation to learn it faster and better was my boys, listing to their music all day and translating their songs help me a LOT.

Right now I'm not perfect writing it or speaking it, but all the English I know is almost self-tough cause of the BSB.

This are my main 5 reasons why I love the Backstreet Boys and why I consider myself a fan and I'm always #KTBSPA (keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive).

Are you a fan of them? or any other band? Do share your story with me!



As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

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