The Weekly Turni- Issue 17

৮ই অগ্রহায়ণ ১৪২৭

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎


Apparently, there is a boom in cryptocurrency happening. Bitcoin is flirting with 20,000 and Ethereum is close to $600. This is looking so similar to late 2017 that it is almost uncanny. Lot of the people we know through the crypto-sphere, we met during late 2017-2018-time frame. Its been three long years for many of us. Although a few probably heard about crypto before 2017, but most of the noise before 2017 was peripheral and didn’t really hit the mainstream. Yeah, we heard about BTC, and knew that people can mine it but most didn’t pay much attention to it before 2017.

Fast forward to present day, it is late 2020, and we are coming out of the long crypto winter that lasted 2+ years. I understand many of you are not feeling the boom because of the depressed price of Hive, but that is not something you should focus on. I say this because the overall crypto community became more matured over time. I remember attending a crypto conference in 2018, where people were asking that how can I build a ‘decentralized’ blockchain business on the T-shirt factory concept that I have? Answer: You don’t! 😊 No! you don’t build a blockchain on a ride-share service! There is Uber for that!! But this time it seems different! Well, hopefully…

So, This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly…. That is a famous book by Reinhart and Rogoff. I have to mentioned a book or a quote in the editorial, otherwise it won’t be complete! I highly recommend reading it, because they argued in that book that it is NEVER different. People are greedy. Mass hysteria is common on virtually anything that is financially new. There is Irrational Exuberance (another book 😊 by Robert Shiller) at every ‘top’. But an ‘industry’ matures with every such exuberance. That is the silver lining in this world of financial folly.

During late 90s, it was the internet boom. Anyone who can open a web site was a business. There are ‘jobs’ for building web pages! Now I can do it in Wix in 10 min! I can have a web business at SquareSpace in another 10. And no, I neither need decentralization, nor blockchain for that! What I am trying to get at that during 2017 the blockchain industry was immature, so there were 100s even 1000s of tokens that were launched in the summer of 2017 and beyond. 95% of them had no real use, and therefore, either they don’t exist today, or they have evolved (in some rare cases) into something that at least have some semblance of utility or sanity.

Bitcoin is now established as a digital asset. Mainstream has finally realized that it will not go away. Ethereum is an ecosystem. ETH2 is going to be a proof-of-stake coin just like hive. Their staking smart-contract is nearly 50% full! That automatically creates a lot of demand for ETH. They have learned the staking from us. What we must learn from them is that the hyperinflation is bad for our asset. Meaning, hive is an inflationary coin, and we must find a way to cut down the supply and increase the demand. It is just like the picture below that our head clerk just shot. That’s a beautiful river full of fish (hopefully). But if we just fish, without enough replenishment, naturally or artificially, then soon, there won’t be any fish for our head clerk. So, the goal is to enjoy fishing in moderation, so that we can have our head clerk fish for eternity! I am told, that eternity is a very long time.


𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒲𝑒𝑒𝓀' 𝓈 𝐹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 --

নৈতিক দ্বিধা

লুই বুনুয়েলের The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoise বিখ্যাত সিনেমা বহু কারণেই। তবে সিনেমার ভাবগত প্রকাশকে একাধিক স্বপ্নময় কাল্পনিক দৃশ্যের চাদরে মুড়ে আড়াল করার ব্যাপারটা বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখ করা যায়। তবে যে অংশের কথা বলছি, ওটুকু স্বপ্নে ছিলো না। স্বাভাবিক, বাস্তব। সিনেমাজুড়ে করা চাতুরির ছিটেফোঁটাও নেই তাতে।

বিশপ ঈশ্বর অনুরাগী। জীবনভর ঈশ্বরের বন্দনা আর পরিচয় দ্বারে দ্বারে দিয়েছেন। সহিংসতার পথ থেকে নিরুৎসাহিত করেছেন। আর পুরোটা সময় তাঁর বিদেহী বাবা-মার স্মৃতি বহন করেছেন। ছোটবেলায় ওঁদের হারিয়েছেন তিনি নির্মম হত্যাকান্ডে। খুনির হদিস এরপর কখনও আর মেলেনি।

কথা হলো, যদি খুনি এখন ধরা পড়ে, তবে কি বিশপ ঈশ্বরের প্রতিনিধি, তথা ক্ষমাগুণের মশালধারী হিসেবে পারবেন খুনিকে ক্ষমা করতে?
অবশ্য এখানে আরেকটা ভ্যারিয়েবল আছে, মানুষের আইন। কোর্ট, বিচার, জেল-জরিমানা।

ধরা যাক, এমন কোন বিশেষ সিচুয়েশন যেখানে আইনের হাত বিশপের নাগাল পাবে না, তখন কি বিশপ খুনিকে পালটা খুন করে প্রতিশোধের আগুন নেভাতে পারবে নিজের আধ্যাত্মিক অবস্থান জলাঞ্জলি দিয়ে? নাকি খুনিকে ক্ষমা করে যে নৈতিকতার শিক্ষা ছড়াচ্ছেন, তার দ্যুতিতে অমলিন থাকবেন?

বুনুয়েল এই ডিলেমায় ফেলেন সিনেমার বিশপকে। উপভোগ্য, স্মরণীয় মূহুর্ত বটে!

Screenshot from the film

সোনার তরী- রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর

গগনে গরজে মেঘ, ঘন বরষা ।
কূলে একা বসে আছি, নাহি ভরসা ।
রাশি রাশি ভারা ভারা ধান কাটা হল সারা
ভরা নদী ক্ষুরধারা খরপরশা--
কাটিতে কাটিতে ধান এল বরষা ।।
একখানি ছোটো খেত, আমি একেলা--
চারিদিকে বাঁকা জল করিছে খেলা ।।
পরপারে দেখি আঁকা তরুছায়ামসী-মাখা
গ্রামখানি মেঘে ঢাকা প্রভাতবেলা--
এপারেতে ছোট খেত, আমি একেলা ।।
গান গেয়ে তরী বেয়ে কে আসে পারে ।
দেখে যেন মনে হয় চিনি উহারে ।
ভরা পালে চলে যায় কোনো দিকে নাহি চায়,
ঢেউগুলি নিরুপায় ভাঙে দু ধারে--
দেখে যেন মনে হয় চিনি উহারে ।।
ওগো, তুমি কোথা যাও কোন বিদেশে?
বারেক ভিড়াও তরী কূলেতে এসে ।
যেয়ো যেথা যেতে চাও, যারে খুশি তারে দাও--
শুধু তুমি নিয়ে যাও ক্ষণিক হেসে
আমার সোনার ধান কূলেতে এসে ।।
যত চাও তত লও তরণী- পরে ।
আর আছে-আর নাই, দিয়েছি ভরে ।।
এতকাল নদী কূলে যাহা লয়ে ছিনু ভুলে
সকলি দিলাম তুলে থরে বিথরে--
এবার আমারে লহো করুণা করে ।।
ঠাঁই নাই, ঠাঁই নাই-- ছোট সে তরী
আমারি সোনার ধানে গিয়েছে ভরি।
শ্রাবণগগন ঘিরে ঘন মেঘ ঘুরে ফিরে,
শূন্য নদীর তীরে রহিনু পড়ি--
যাহা ছিল নিয়ে গেল সোনার তরী ।।

-Recited by @deepu7

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓼!

Mr. Rahim Ahmed a middle class person. Who has a small family of a wife and a ten years son. Actually he was with his parents in a village living together. Two years back he got shifted to the city due to job. He always try to fulfill all the roles as a good son, good husband, a good father overall as much as he could do to lead the life fulfilling everyone's hopes and aspirations.

One night returning from the workplace he saw his son's two amazing drawing. Both of them were featuring a tourist spot.
Rahim ahmed astonishingly praised and asked how did he get this idea and drew this one.From back his wife replied,

–Our son saw this tourist spot on television and he loved the place. So asked me to make him watch it again so i searched and saw it again on youtube.

–Amazing! From watching the video you drew such a beautiful drawing my son. Proud of you.

Mr. Rahim observed that his son thinks and talks about this place very often. So in mind he thought of spending a vacation at that tourist spot with his family.He told his son,

–My son, i have a surprise for you in the coming days.

–What's that dad?

–Well,that's a surprise for you but before that you have to promise that if you love that surprise than you have to study hard and do your best in the final exam.

–Okay dad i will.

Well after few days on Mr. Rahim's holiday he took his family to that place for a two day tour. His son was so much happy to see his drawings coming true. The drawn pictures of that place is in front of him. He loved it too much.

After returning from that place his son remembered his promise and did his best to study hard with a great enthusiasm and came 3rd in the exam. He was a little bit upset because of not getting on the top. Mr.Rahim told,

–My son, i asked you to do your best not come to the top. I saw you putting your best you could do and here you go. I have no objection rather i am happy that you fulfilled your promise.

Son hugged him too tight and they were happy.

Well that's how these little minds works. We should always take care of these little minds. If you start to fulfill their desires or little dreams then they will also try their best to fulfill our expectations too.

𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

I was being chased! I have no idea where I am going but I have a feeling this is going to be my last run. The only thought that I have in my mind right now is, I have to give my all in order to get away from the thing which I am being chased by. It was dark but the moon light was a life savior! As it was at the least guiding me towards the path within these trees.

Finally, I was regaining my consciousness or to be more precise, I was coming back to life . I was listening to a sound which was chasing me for the past few minutes. Believe me, this whole period of chase, was looking like an eternity to me! I was so afraid to even look back and see what I was being chased by! Maybe the inner voice of mine was being more like a baby and my body was acting according to those certain instincts. While I was at it, probably after running for few more minutes my legs started trembling. Maybe because of fear or tiredness but it felt like both my legs gained additional pounds and they were getting heavy after every step I take.


Image source

Luckily, I was not listening to the sound that was chasing me. As I sat down on the clay and muddy soil, I looked back with fear on my eyes and agonizing pain of my legs and not to mention the fear that I have within myself. As I was getting my breath back and I was thinking am I just running without a cause or is it my dream or I was just hallucinating all these situation. But to my surprise, that sound which was chasing me, it slowly started to come back to my ears. If I have to explain that sound, it would be more like, as if a dog is snarling and to be more precise the sound it was creating was more more like it was angry! This was the best explanation that I could come up with! I was listening to sound as it was getting more clear as seconds were passing by! Until I saw the creature come in sight. Since it was dark and I was not being able to see it much clearly but I would never forget that face of the beast. Yeah, a beast. The snarling and grinding that I was hearing was coming from it. There were some sort of saliva coming out of its mouth. It was not a dog that I was certain as something big of this size can never be a dog. It was more like a wolf or maybe a hybrid of dog and wolf. I have seen wolf immense time (in movies at least) but this was something different that I have never seen before.

While it approached me, it threw something off its mouth. As I took a small glance at it, it looked more like a hand to me. By seeing that, I was even more shocked and a chill went through my spine. Hundreds if not thousands of thoughts were crossing my mind. I felt like this is going to be the last day of myself. I will not be able to see the day tomorrow. I took no more time and stood up and started running as fast as I can. I can not remember for how long I ran but I was still hearing the sound that was chasing me and slowly the sound was getting closer to me.

(to be continued on next week's Turni)

𝓔𝓷𝓭 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼

Instructions to Get Featured

This here is our piece de resistance. To promote engagement and a little self-branding, we have come up with an initiative that we simply called Featured. And we are very excited about this portion of the magazine.

Every week, one talented author will have the opportunity to contribute a piece for the magazine while showcasing one of their best posts. The willing writers will have a chance to add a few words about any topic they choose and be a 25% beneficiary of the magazine.

How to Get Featured

The first step is, you have to decide whether you want to get featured or not. Once you've made up your mind, you have to apply by submitting one of your articles from last week. We have a wiggle room for quality content if they are older than seven days. Choose the piece you deem to be your best work for the week, as this will play a significant role in you getting featured or not.

Application Window

There will be a two-day period to submit your application. It must be submitted by dropping a link to your post in the #Featured-Magazine channel on the BDCommunity Discord Server. One author will be chosen randomly from all the submissions. The featured author for the week will be announced during the weekly voice meeting. They will then have two days for writing a piece and submit.

The author who gets featured in the weekly magazine will be set as a 25% beneficiary, meaning 25% of the magazine's liquid payout will go to the featured author.

Do not forget to join our next weekly hangout at Friday 10 pm GMT +6

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