A Chilled and Calm Beer Saturday.

Well it is Saturday again and I'm sure at this stage I know what I'm doing today. As it stands I'm feeling a little rough from Engaging party mode a bit too far in fast forward last night so I'm gonna take it slow and steady.

Excuse me while I get a Nice hot cup of coffee.
That's better.


Ever since I first visited England I have had a fondness for Ale, IPA and Craft Ales specifically. I have done my fair share of pub crawls with good buddies, which usually ended up in actually crawling to the nearest kebab shop around 4am.

It appears to be the Law, at least in London and Essex. Get hammered at the pub and you MUST hit the kebab shop on the way home. There will be no diversion from this ritual, unless its someone's birthday. In which case You get Curry at the nearest Resto and then Hit the Pubs, afterwards kebab.

Pub, Kebab Unless Its A Birthday, Then Curry, Pub, Kebab. Simple.

Down the road from my wife's old house the Local served an Amazing house brewed Ale. It was Called Spotted Dick by the Landlord. Never seen it since, Cause I aint been back there, but for a long long time it was My favorite.

Anyway let me get back on Track.



So Today I figured Id give one of the newer Ales I've been curious about a shot. Its a Bottle fermented IPA from L'Eurelienne. An Artisanal Ale from Chandres.

British Ale has always been my gold standard. So lets see how this stacks up. Why have I got 4 bottles to try of the same Ale?

Well cause I'm gonna share it of course.

What! Did He Say SHARE! Quick call the men and prepare the padded room, he's fuckin lost the plot.

No. Not the case, Honest.

Lately all this drinking on my own has me feeling like I'm not sharing the fun enough, and my liver has threatened to leave me. The divorce papers are apparently in the mail.

Not to mention they say drinking alone is the first sign... So I'm going to go share these with my buddy and take a few nice bottles of wine to go with dinner.

Plus I'm hoping some company and a few drinks will take the edge off the hangover.

Imma be civilised and Respectable.
Well as much of both of those things as I can.

I'll let you know how it goes when I come back in a bit.

A Few hours Later...


Well I have to be completely Honest I was pleasantly surprised By this Offering from L'Eurelienne and Everything went down smoothly. Its got nice notes of exotic fruit and Some serious Dry Hopping action going on in there.

Its a Damn fine bit of brewing Id recommend to anyone.

After a few of these and some fine conversation and company Sadly the following is my last shot. Left My flashlight on the damn phone and the battery completely died.

Bollocks, Oh well.


I wanted a Nice artistic black and white shot and in the end it looks like a mug of Whale spuge, But hey Its all I managed to get.

Otherwise todays been a great Saturday. Hope yours has been too.

Thanks for joining me on the first beer Saturday Post I have done where I can still see what I'm typing. I'm gonna call that a win.

Its been Tame, Calm and pretty chilled. Overall a Fuckin awesome day.

All Photos taken by me on My Chinesium Phone A Xiamoi Mi 11 lite

20 down and still heading towards the finish line.

I decided I'm going to have a bit of fun on this 30 posts in 30 days. I'm going to do a post 31, and a giveaway on the 31st post, cause some months have 31 days or so I've been told.

In spite of my rough and ready appearance I'm an Antique dealer I know I already said it.

So it'll probably be old shit in your mailbox.

Stay tuned and engage down below . For every post from day 1 if you comment on it you will get one entry and a chance to win.

Then at the end of the 30 posts, on day 31 There will be a random raffle you will get a chance to win....

Really cool old shit.

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