#Beersaturday - time for S'more beer

S'mores are not really a thing in Australia - Like most things from American culture i was vaguely aware of them, an understanding had seeped into my brain through a mentions in movies and tv shows. I knew they were sweet and had something to do with camping. So when My wife returned to the house saying her dad had made S'more and given us some I was a little confused.


From those in the know that above is a S'more - it's what we would call a digestive biscuit (a graham cracker in the US I beleive) some chocolate and a marshmallow. There ain't too many campfires in our inner city apartment so it came wrapped in tinfoil and spent 8 minutes in the oven to melt it all, and make it gooey.


But what to pair with something this sweet. Well you have to go one way our the other, Compliment with sweet beer or contrast with sour beer and over two nights we went both ways.


First up with 'Enter the Vortex' by local Melbourne brewers - Hop Nation. This is how they descibe the beer:

After the success of last year's Pastry Stout series, we thought we were well overdue to bring you another hit of dark deliciousness. Prepare to be sucked into the vortex.

This decadent pastry stout is layered with rich, velvety chocolate, toasted coconut and balanced with a hint of smooth Tahitian vanilla. Just like a warm chocolate cake with a dollop of ice cream, it’s ooey, gooey and impossible to put down.

I describe it as Lovely sweet smooth and rich beer, the S'more is even richer, marshmallows and cherry sweetness. Sweet beers don’t normally work with sweet things but this one holds it own, it softens the s’more but also sort of extends the flavours as well.


The next night and the next option is The wonderfully named 'How's it Gosen' from Bentspoke brewery who are from the national capital - Canberra. it is a Cherry gosen so I was hoping that the tartness of the beer would work with the sweetness of the S'more.


And it worked a treat - This beer is a classic light refreshing cherry beer, sophisticated clean and an amazing compliment to the s’more.

So there you go - Campfires are made better with S'mores, and S'mores are made better with beer and everyone wins.

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