

Welcome to my #wednesdaywalk post! Now, none of the pictures here happened on a Wednesday, no, but last Saturday. I did however, take a nice long walk today before posting this. So, I think it counts. Does it? I guess @tattoodjay will tell me one way or the other.

We had a family outing with big brother and the grandparents last weekend at Oktoberfest! Yes, I know, alcohol and kids don't mix, but I promise, I only had maybe 8 ounces the whole 4 hours we spent there. I tasted a few beers and chuckled at the other drunk people. I think my boy was already twisted when we got there, 45 minutes after they had arrived. Tackle him girls!


Well, some people knew I was ready to take a picture, after three tries? This was the best one I got of them all (minus pops).




You can't go to an ethnic celebration and not try the food, right?! And they did. I bought two different kinds of schnitzels - chicken and pork. That was about the only thing they could stomach besides the big pretzels. The spätzle I thought would go over better, since they love various pastas like rice and spaghetti and such, but that was a no go. Of course, besides the pretzels, cupcakes were all Freya wanted. LOL!



The little princesses somehow managed to take over the dance floor for a little while. This was a real treat for me as they often have me sit and watch their scripted dances they make up to songs they like or the new steps they learn in ballet. This was a freestyle funfest for them and I loved it! They earned themselves some t-shirts in doing so, from the master of ceremonies.

Door Prizes?

So, for every ticket, there was a number attached that would be associated with a door prize. They gave one out every 2 hours and lucky me, I won within the first hour of being there! There were several things to choose from, like a car repair kit, a bunch of frig'n beer, gift cards for restaurants and things like that. I opted to meet the (not so) local author - Rita M. Reali - and made (asked) her to sign the books she put up for a prize! It also came with a cup and they threw a T-shirt at me from somewhere. I changed right there and got some cat calls and heavy breathing from the crowd 😝


And of Course - The BEER!


Ended up trying them all, but by the time we went up for round two at one o' clock, they were already out of 4 of them. 2, 10 and 6 were my favorites. I honestly don't drink a lot of beer and ales, but as I have stated a time or two, I do like to try new things. I wouldn't even be on Hive if I wasn't a bit of a chance taker, HA!

  • "What do you think of the beer, Freya?"



All in all, it was an interesting outing. I met all kinds of different people and the girls got to see a piece of a different culture. Whatever you intend to do, REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, even while designated driving.


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