Kool Katurdays...


You did not read that wrong. Silly human. I said Bee ar ar ar ar ar...

Then of course I purred and scratched a little.

Raspberries to you...
Sammi Tongue 7-24-2014.jpg

Now why did I juss purr a brrrr..?

Well cuz it is frikkin cold out here this Saturday morning. It is like a zillion degrees below the normal warm balmy kitty friendly temperature here.

I have no idea what degrees and temperatures even are. But the pet humans seem to be fascinated by it and talk of it constantly. They should grow some hair and get over it.

Break Time Sammi Hammock 2021-02-08.jpg

Us cats run with a body temp of about 102° so the human tells me. All I know is that with my heavy and stunningly sexy furr coat that I can never take off. It feels pretty comfy around eighty of those degree thingy's.

@curatorcat will back me up on this. He knows that Sun Puddles on a chilly day are a cats best friend.

And also hammoks! I just love chillin' in that swingy thing when my pet human takes me out there.

Sammi Hammock (8) 2021-02-02.jpg

Here I am showing some love with a butt sitting to the face... LMAO Ooops, I meant PMAO. (Purring My Ass On) And I mean literally with a Butt plant to the face. Bet He did not see that coming...
Sammi Hammock (2) 2021-02-02.jpg

Really tho. I wonder if He will take Me, his number one most favorite...

"The Best Kitty in the Whole Wide World!"

Outside for some hammok time this Saturday..?


Thanks for stopping by... It is time for me to pick a window, any window. As they are all now open, and I can sit in one and hear, smell and almost taste the birds.!!

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