Weekend outing to visit the family/ Salida de fin de semana para visitar a la familia


Greetings friends, a few days ago I told you that I was traveling visiting my family in my hometown, well in those days I was there I could only post once because the signal was bad and would not let me post, but well the goal was achieved which was to share with family.

Saludos amigos, hace unos días les comente que estaba viajando visitando a mi familia en la mi Pueblo Natal, bueno en esos días que estuve allá solo pude publicar una sola vez porque la señal era mala y no me dejaba publicar, pero bueno se logró el objetivo que era compartir en familia.

I had already been 8 months without going there and without seeing my relatives who live in this place, this picture I share with you is from last weekend when I was going out to visit one of my sisters who had invited us to have lunch so we could share some time with the family.

Ya tenía 8 meses sin ir para allá y sin ver a mis familiares que viven en este lugar, esta foto que les comparto es del fin de semana pasado que iba saliendo a visitar a una de mis hermana que nos había invitado a almorzar y así poder compartir un rato en familia.

I think that with the pandemic it has been difficult for us to travel as often as we like and one of the things is that like me, there are many people who must have time without seeing their families and without being able to share as they did before.

Creo que con lo de la pandemia se nos ha dificultado viajar a menudos como a mucho nos gusta y una de las cosas es que así como yo, hay muchas personas que deben tener tiempo sin ver a su familiares y sin poder compartir como antes lo hacían.

Well I tell you that I had a good time with my family during my stay there, the only thing I could notice is that in Calabozo there is a poor phone signal than before.

Bueno les cuento que la pase bien con mi familia en esa estadía que estuve allá, lo único que pude notar que en Calabozo hay mala de señal telefónica que anteriormente.

Thanks for your support, see you in the next post Kisses!

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