ByteDex Hybrid Trading Platform Review



We have two types of trading platform in cryptocurrency sector. The first one which is the most known is centralized exchange why the second is decentralised exchange. The two of them have their merits and inadequacies. For example, centralized exchange has a central managing system which decide virtually everything on the exchange and all its operation while decentralised exchange gives its users the control over their assets. They don't need to initiate withdrawal request or even do KYC before they can withdraw their assets, they have 100% control on it which is not possible on centralized exchange. So, in short they both have their benefits and shortcomings but the good news is that there is a new trading platform that combines the good features of both centralized and decentralised exchange in one platform. The name of the platform is ByteDex and it is the essence of this article. Let's dive into it, ByteDex Exchange is an hybrid decentralised trading platform that bring together the benefits of centralized and decentralised exchange in one place. Its users will be able to trade in an intuitive and secure interface, have 100% control over their assets without having to need the consent of a third party.


ByteDex Project in Details

ByteDex Exchange is an hybrid cryptocurrency trading ecosystem which gives trader the chance to trade securely and have 100% control over their assets. The platform combines benefits of centralization with decentralization thereby offering its users an exchange platform that is good enough for all their trading activities. The word Hybrid mean two things in one place and the reason for bringing together two distinct examples is to create a better platform. By combining the good features of centralized exchange with good features of decentralised exchange

Hybrid in the dictionary means combining two things into one, this is done to get the best result. Likewise, cryptocurrency developers are also integrating decentralized and centralized exchange platforms to present users with a good and reliable exchange platform. By combining the advantages of centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges, an exchange platform that allows users to trade securely and have control over their assets will be birthed.

With this, ByteDex Exchange will become an hybrid trading ecosystem that will be assisted by a central management based on a two-way blockchain structure and its traders will be able to trade securely and have control over their assets. Unlike most trading platforms out there that do not have their own blockchain ByteDex has built its own blockchain protocol which will be use to secure their trading ecosystem and be able to handle high level of transactions at a go.

ByteDex Tokenomics

ByteDexCoin is the native token of the exchange and it will as its utility coin that will fuel its operations and trading activities. It will serve as the main source of payment on the exchange and assist in the growth of the platform. It will be used commissions, transaction fees and any other forms of payment within the exchange. The token is TRC20 compliant token on Tron blockchain and its total supply will be 1,000,000,000. Investors can buy the token by participating in the ongoing token sale and by doing so, they will have the opportunity to buy token at a cheaper price in anticipation for profits once it is listed on exchanges and the platform start full operation.


Centralized and decentralised exchange have their own benefits and shortcomings. But when the good features of the two are brought together in one place, a standard and reliable trading platform will be created. As I explained earlier that ByteDex was created with this in mind, thanks to the platform Hybrid system which is highly secure and gave assets control to owners of these assets within the platform.


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