Exploring an abandoned steel-factory in Belgium!

Then you suddenly you find yourself exploring an abandoned steel-factory. it's been on my
list of things I want to do for a while and then you have this friend saying
let's go this weekend. Of course we have been planning this for a while because
you have to know where to go and how to get there, but covid-19 didn't let us.
We had to go to Belgium and the borders where closed during lock down. About
that planning, the most important thing is knowing what not to do because you
don't want to get caught. It still kind of trespassing.

Even if the place is empty for more than 6 years, they still have guards walking around and
they are going to demolish the place soon so people are probably working there

Diana and Lianne, link to them below!.
Diana and Lianne, link to them below!.

Mission impossible style!

To get in there you have to go to one spot where the fens is cut. To get to
that fence you have to cross the road a big open area and an active railway.
Never did that before so that was a little excited. From the moment we park the
car we where listening if the train perhaps already went by. That would have made
the crossing a little les exciting but no such luck. If the train driver see
people cross the tracks they definitely will call the police and that’s what we
don’t want.

Luckily nobody
saw us cross the railway and we were safe to continued our way through the
dense vegetation. Soon we discovered a small track where others have walked before
us and as we came closer and closer.

After 700 meter of mission impossible style walking and talking (hand gestures)
we came up to the fens, we did a quick run trough it and entered the first
building, probably no one was around us for miles and we looked pretty stupide
but it was so much fun and exciting :D

The smell of fuel oil, a big chimney and tons of rusty metal, we did a high-five,
we have arrived 😊

Our first steps in this place!
Our first steps in this place!

We have arrived!

This site was build in 1962 and more then 40 thousand people have worked here. Due to the crisis from 2008 onward, they had to wind down the activities and eventually it closed completely in 2014 because it was no longer profitable.  In the beginning we were very careful not to
get caught but eventually wen we saw other people walking and wen we heard a
drone flying we get a bit more relaxed. Talking to other people helped us a lot,
they know where they nicest places where and that helped us discover the place better.

The view from the melting oven!
The view from the melting oven!

We walked for hours and hours, climbed all the
way op the highest point and crawled al the way down the deepest basements. It
was so cool. exploring an abandoned steel-factory, it has to be on everybody to do list.

I really like landscape photography and always want to include a model in my pictures. Lucky guy i am that i took this trip with to gorgeous woman. At the end they where done wit me :p They had to pose continuously form me but at the end they loved the pictures i took of them. 

Lianne in the basement!
Lianne in the basement!
Diana, hear lovely hear color matches the rusty building!
Diana, hear lovely hear color matches the rusty building!

I really hoped you liked it to read and to see the pictures. Feedback is always welcome, i always open to for learn. 
Special thanks to my friend and models Diana and Lianne Go say hello to them! 
You can find more pictures on my Instagram account

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