The Shaolin Monk

A sketch I did during Full Moon in Pisces, Wednesday - 2nd September 2020. Original art by @yangyanje


Before I begin, the details and conclusions to this piece and it's parts are related to a greater meaning. They have no chronological order by intention, although I will list their proper sequence at the end, once I published all key incidents. As I am currently still undergoing these experiences, I might add new ones. For now I am just trying to write it all down in order to make sense of it myself. Some past events and their connections didn't seem like coincidences. Some of you might not believe in coincidences? Imagine if you'd travel back in time to meet yourself. What would you tell yourself right now? Maybe incidents in your past were actually experiences that are key to understanding the actual path you are on right now? Can you remember a future that hasn't happened, but these images and visions don't entirely feel like your memory? Or maybe you can relate to incidences in your life that you have predicted, you couldn't have possibly known, yet they happened? How do you deal with them? You saw them in a vision or a dream? Has something like that ever occurred to you?

Here I will try to make some sense about these strange occurrences. Battling with the absurdity of this and the odds, get ready for a journey that might kick the word psychic out of proportion.

If you didn't get the chance to read any of the other parts, never mind. I will try to elaborate as I move on.


Reporting for Duty

After returning from one of my travels in India in 2002, I had to report for enlistment in the Swiss Army Recruitment School, as this is mandatory for men here. This was just a few months after I met the bearded man in India, who had just shattered my entire reality with profound cosmology. During the enlistment process, we had to do physical tests to evaluate our overall performance and health so we could get placed. According to my performance they asked me what I wanted to do. I chose to join the mountain infantry.

I shall refer to the character the buddha in the artist as VIR.

Vir and me used to kick it and go on survival training camps when I was a teen. Since Vir was in the army and belonged to some special unit, I had a vague idea of what to expect. I had no idea what I was actually in for. Coming from a Logistics family, I could appreciate some of the trivialities and saw an overarching picture in many aspects such as procurement, division of labour etc. It all seemed to paint a larger picture. I thought that the kind of physical training I would undergo would be valuable in case I'd embark on future adventures. With some of the comrades at the army recruitment school, I had some life changing and pretty deep philosophical conversations.

After almost 10 weeks we went on a 50km march. Disassembling weapons, reassembling them and simply following orders became mundane amongst other things. I didn't sleep a lot and I kept falling asleep while marching with my unit. One of the Commanders saw me drifting away from my unit. He made me walk up and down all the companies. My Lieutenants screamed my name because someone in my unit had injured his knee and he needed me to carry some of his baggage. After a while I felt like my hand was going numb.

The next day, I could not fire my weapon and stated that I could not throw a hand grenade in this condition. I mentioned that I could not feel my arm. Everyone thought that I was just simulating. They made me stay back the next day and sweep the quarters for another week before sending me to a Neurologist.


Diagnosis Paralysis

After assessing my condition, a local neurologist had done rigorous testing and identified a paralysis in my Brachial plexus. I still swept the floor for another week until they released me.

They sent me to a special hospital to do further testing, using Electromyography. This is a form of electrodiagnostic testing, used to evaluate nerve and muscle function. It's also quite unpleasant. I also underwent a DNA test and was diagnosed with a rare hereditary disease that affected my peripheral nervous system. This was also confirmed along with further testing on my balancing organ (Vestibular System) they did with me for a few days. There were two things that seemed out of place. The first was that people with that condition aren't physically like me. Second, I was unusually well off for someone with that condition. I must have compensated for it throughout my life. At that point and after all these tests, I arrogantly thought neurology seemed to be a branch science in it's infancy. It was as if we did not really understand how these cables work and conduct.

My right arm was completely feelingless. One of the doctors made a comment that I might have to write off my right hand and that it might never return. He said: One really doesn't know with these kind of things. It might take a year of for some half a life. I guess it didn't really hit me right after he said it, but I thought about it.

My arm was completely paralysed. I could not feel my hand. I did not even feel when someone poked it. It was pretty scary.

2021-10-27 22.46.51.jpgGreen Bruce Lee. Original art by @yangyanje aka Rane. 2012, New Delhi, India. Using original male Spray Cans(Car paint)

After returning home I went to see a friend. We were both admirers of Bruce Lee since we were children. We grew up on his movies and I had some of his books. I hung out with him and he kept cracking jokes about it, implying that it isn't a big deal. At some point it hit me. I had already accepted the fact that I needed to become left handed, practiced etc. But at that moment I realised that I can now accept this fact or not. Within a fraction of a second I went form total devastation to a sensation of deviance and non-acceptance. Unwillingness to accept my faith, I was overcome by a powerful sensation of determination to get my arm working again.


Gong Fu School

The Army gave me a bit of pocket money and since I was disabled and could not work, I began to strap my arm on the handlebar of a newly acquired cycle from the army money. Regularly visiting a physiotherapist, she gave me a hand splint to stabilise my wrist. I ran errands around the city and literally rode all over. I also landed up in the town I grew up in. Opposite the fire brigade I read a board that said Gong Fu School. At the entrance there was a small Bonsai tree with a small Taoist figurine. While I stood outside, a short European looking man came out and said : "Oh, you must be Indian. Maybe you're a reincarnation of vishnu. Hmm what's wrong, shocked at what I'm saying? You know I must have been in India in my past life. You can call me babaji if you like. Come in, lets fix your arm". I just stood there for several seconds and didn't believe that this was just happening and he had said all these things. It was as if the moment I looked at the bonsai tree and the figurine, I had entered a permanent deja vu. Once I entered, I saw a wooden man(Mu ren zhuang) and some bruce lee posters. I felt very much at home because I used to train at a local chin woo school when I was younger. This although, was very different. He had spent several years around the Shaolin temple, but used to be a karate instructor. Sifu Shushui began by assuming I must have picked up some pranayama while I was in India. Maybe from my grandfather. It was at least the 3rd thing he knew by guessing. Or did he guess? I just thought this guy is very intuitive. My grandfather actually took me out at 5 am several times to show me these breathing exercises which are :

  1. Bhastrika Pranayama
  2. Kapal Bhati Pranayama
  3. Bahaya Pranayama
  4. Anulom Vilom Pranayama
  5. Bharamari Pranayama
  6. Udgeeth Pranayama
  7. Pranav Pranayama

He then began to talk about qi or chi and gave me some documents to read.

In the coming sessions with him, he taught me some basic qi gong exercises. These would instantly show results. Feeling a tingling sensation as if my arm was conducting, the slow breathing and naturally occurring movements began to show effects. Calm, meditative and with open eyes I began embracing this practice. Qi Gong! Fascinated by eastern medicine, the meridian system seemed to suddenly make so much more sense to me. Even more so today while researching the extra cellular matrix(ECM) and the fascia.

A Miracle?

While my physio therapist noticed my rapid recovery, she had asked what I had been doing otherwise. I told her about my encounter and she was fascinated. I remember she also started a course of Qi Gong herself.

My rational mind tried to make sense of this and I realised that western science does not have all the answers.

All this would constitute to me being very open minded towards such things.

Akashic Records:

Until a few years later, when I had a strange dream, where I wake up in a huge library, with endless book shelfs. In an alley white and endless, a room full of book shelfs as large as a building. So high I no ladder would help me reach some of the books I saw. All of a sudden an Indian man appears next to me and I wake up. On the same day I find myself entering a book shop only to meet an Indian standing next to me at the psychology section. He happened to have even studied psychology. He came from a peculiar yoga school/lineage....

Sifu Shushui

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Graffiti of vanishing
Dong Chang 东厂
aka Rane

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'A focused mind is the source of all power' - @yangyanje

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