Abundance. Tribe's biweekly question : How do you honor yourself?

This week question is an eye opener to me. I never view it this way, that those things or behavior we exhibit to enable us deter people from dishonoring us, was honor to one's self. With this question, am able to reflect and probably be intentional in future to honor myself.

How do I honor myself?

I think Honoring one self have to do with building one self in every aspect of life. honoring yourself could be in the form of building yourself up physically, intellectually, financially and spiritually.


How do I honor myself physically?

During the lock down last year, as a result of corona virus pandemic, I was becoming fat, because I was not doing any kind of exercise. When I look at the mirror, I was not liking my physical self. I had to device a means to change that look, In other to honor my body. I had to download an app that teaches how to do exercise right in your room. I was doing the exercise right in my room, following the instructions the app task me to do. After a month of doing the exercise, I become comfortable and confident with my body looks.

How do I honor myself socially?

I came from a minority tribe in Nigeria. It is a plus for anyone who can understand and speak the three majority language, which are Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. When you travel to a region where they speak one of the above languages, and you don't understand the language, you feel inadequate about yourself. In other to honor myself, I hired a tutor to teach me Yoruba language. There is this joy and fulfillment one get in being a multilingual. As language is a tool of power to one's self.


I some times honor my self by letting go of the hurt or pains I feel as a result of a failed relationship or mistakes. Beating yourself up because of a past mistakes or some failure diminishes your honor and hold you back from taking a bold step in future.

How I honor myself intellectually and spiritually?

Knowledge is power, Especially to one's self . The greatest honor one can do to himself is to be versed in knowledge; And I achieve that by reading a lot. When you read a lot, you can't be deceived, and it help one speak up for yourself with boldness and confidence. Reading helps one to tap into the experience and knowledge of others. And it help one avoid mistakes that may cause dishonor to one's self. I know of people with honorary degrees that have never been to the four walls of university . This can only be achieved by reading versed.

It is a must for us to honor ourselves, if we want to be better persons.

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