CTP BP Weekly Updates #9

TP BP Weekly Update 9.jpg

Hello Buzzy Bees!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly Update #9!

Here are the updates of last week:

  • Sent a survey to my members for feedback about the program so far - Thank you for the responses so far, I tried to put some suggestions into practice right away!

  • Added new buttons to go back to the previous checkpoint and now you can go back and forth through all the path.

  • Changed font size and color of the text through all the website. If I missed some page let me know!

  • Added new banners and splash pages for the Fireball event!

  • Completely forgot to say this on the vlog but I added a new video for the Video Membership with the title - Don't be an EXCUSER! - The Video Membership doesn't need to be just technical. I think adding myself sometimes with some motivation speech (or rants lol) gives that personal touch to it. Hope you like it :)

And that's it for the updates!

Here are the Leaderboards so far:



Thank you so much, everyone, for all the support!

If you have any requests or help with something that I can do and add on the program to improve and give more value, feel free to comment below or drop me a line on Telegram!

Make sure you follow CTP BP on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ctpblueprint/

Happy Monday!

CTP Blueprint Post Archive

#0 - https://ctptalk.com/ctpblueprint/@elianaicgomes/a-brand-new-program-has-born-so-a-brand-new-owner-ctp-blueprint-contest-inside
#1 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/fyxnwqwq
#2 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/vsobojwz
#3 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/pgosckrw
#4 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-196037/@elianaicgomes/99qg1v37dmi
#5 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/ouvalyyi
#6 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/uebfnltg
#7 - https://ctptalk.com/hive-181335/@elianaicgomes/ucoexfpc
#8 - @elianaicgomes/vdcesqzo



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