My heart skipped immediately i received a private message from my daughter's class teacher to remind me that she was supposed to dress in an igbo attire to school the next day.

" How could I have forgotten about this?!" I exclaimed.

We just entered the month of October and it was accompanied by the magnifying commemoration of my country's independence from colonial rule.

The igbo is one of the major tribe among 371 tribes we have in Nigeria and they have a very unique culture. I was super excited to get my daughter all dressed up to give a proper represention of our root and she did a fantastic job.


Going to school wearing the igbo attire was a surreal experience to her nevertheless she was fascinated and excited to clad in something entirely different from the school uniform and everyday clothes that she was used to.

The young maidens in Igbo culture wears short wrappers with beads on their waists, neck, wrist and leg. These beads signifies royalty and also used for beautification purposes.

Seeing other children in the school dressed up in different ethnic attire was a beautiful sight to behold and I thank the school authority for such an initiative aimed at fostering unity in diversity and also taking the children back to their original root.


My children still struggles to be fluent in the igbo language especially when they are living in a city with many ethnic and cross-ethnic groups where English language serves as a lingua franca, they are nonetheless making tremendous effort in learning the igbo language.

All thanks to this day, I was charged up and energised more to put in more effort in getting them more acquainted with their root not just in language and dressing but in all other ramifications. Knowing who you are and where you come from is the first step towards identifying your life purpose.

   my point is that the only 
   authentic identity for the African 
   is the tribe. I am a Nigeria 
   because a white man created Nigeria 
   and gave me that identity. But i 
    was Igbo before the white man came
   Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie( Author 
    half of a yellow sun)

Hope you enjoy reading and knowing a little bit about my tribe, it was nice having you here. Thank you for stopping by.

Ka o'di mgbe ozu
See you next time

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