Why I Have Failed - And How I Fixed It


I Figured It Out!!!

I am SOOOOOOO excited! I don't think I have ever been this excited about a manifesting concept in my life. I FINALLY figured out what has been keeping me from my successes this WHOOOOLE time! There is actually a secret behind all the trap doors and goblins that have been snatching my dreams!

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

Up until recently, whenever I have been just about to succeed at something, or resolve to improve something in my life, I've been met with obscene degrees of obstacles and hindrances that could melt the hammer of Thor. These "marvels" of nature seemed to suddenly crop up out of nowhere, like zombie ghouls from the grave. And they had a tendency to bring up "worst fears" and "worst doubts" in a way that lead me to believe I was JUST NOT MEANT TO SUCCEED.

They were so keenly crafted, well timed, and well placed so as to leave me with the impression that my dream was just not meant to be. And it happened most with the things that mattered most. With everything else - not as much.

There HAD To Be A Reason, Right? It Was Too Uncanny.

Sabotage? Imposter Syndrome?

I wondered all kinds of things. I wondered if it might have been some unconscious self sabotage, or imposter syndrome at play. But a huge chunk of the things that happened were completely out of left field, and not things I could have thought of, created, or orchestrated. So this was not solely the culprit.


Poop Patrol

Or was something else at play, like a giant poop patrol in the sky assigned just to me, that hovered over my happiness and bombed giant poops all over my successes whenever I was just about to achieve something -- like a well orchestrated special ops mission designed to deflate only the dreams that belonged to me. This one seemed the most likely.

poop emoji.png

Law Of Attraction

Was I attracting this? Did I just need to vibe higher so I could get my dreams out of the vortex?
For months I studied all the greats, RELIGIOUSLY raised my "vibration," cleared my mind of negative thoughts, ignored my issues and practiced gratitude and joy instead. And that was a great discipline to learn! And as a result, I was happier in general, I lost 25 pounds, and some other things did indeed improve as well. Meanwhile, other things did NOT. They got WORSE! Like... exponentially worse! Every time I tried to tackle certain things, like the things that actually mattered, it was a NO for me.

I hired manifesting coaches who taught me how to "let go," I attended "revision" workshops to rewrite beliefs, I joined mastermind groups to amplify my efforts, I listened to subliminal reprogramming videos to try and uproot past traumas and beliefs that might be negatively impacting my current reality.

Still - the zombies came.

It occurred to me that I was not going to be able to achieve some of my most important goals, because I would not be able to overcome these goblins that cropped up whenever I tried. I felt defeated. And washed up. And like a failure.

Until THIS Video Happened

Turns Out, When Obstacles Arise, It Means You ARE Succeeding!

ANY time you attempt to change something in your CURRENT reality to something not currently in your reality, the current reality speaks up and reminds you of itself. As long as you believe it is there, it will tell you it is there. Even if all you do is resolve to change a specific aspect of your reality, it will still attempt show itself "as-is" rather than "as you would like it to be."

Obstacles Are Signs Of Success!

I mentioned earlier that up until now, whenever I got close to success, I was met with obscene degrees of obstacles and hindrances that could melt the hammer of Thor. And before now, I considered it a sign of failure and defeat, for I knew I would never be able to overcome certain obstacles. NOW, though, I know IT IS A SIGN OF SUCCESS! And it is a sign that you are just about to jump over the precipice of your universe and join up with a new one. It is a sign of your current reality reaching the limits of itself and saying,

"Hey, I am your current reality. You are reaching the limits. Are you SURE you want to do this?

Hell Yes!

It is a test of resolve. And there IS a way to stay the course. Rather than attempt to fix, or find solutions to it,

Ignore It.

Before, when I practiced the art of ignoring certain issues, it felt impossible. This is because I believed that these things were real, and I could not NOT believe they were real. And when evidence cropped up to show me how REAL they were, I pissed my pants. And it just felt like the universe was showing me gaping jaws of death and destruction to my dreams.

Now I know, it is a sign of SUCCESS! It is a sign I am pushing against the outer limits of my universe. I am challenging the current reality. And by ignoring it, I am basically telling it to shut the fuck up. I know now that when these things crop up, it is a SIGN I AM SUCCEEDING. Rather than failing. This is all the difference.

The Trick

When you respond to your current reality the way you always have, it will remain the way it always remains, because you are reaffirming it. But when you look at it, back away, pull inward, remove your emotional response of fear and panic, rise above it and generate a different response or emotion, you are essentially telling your reality that you no longer subscribe to it. And it has no power over you any longer, and it has no choice but to dissolve.

Don't try to fix it. Don't try to do anything about it. Just ignore it. Give it none of your attention. You are free now. You can be excited that you have reached the edge of your reality, and it is about to dissolve.

Before, whenever I tried this, I failed. Repeatedly. I could not achieve this level of observational distance because the fears became too great. But now, after watching this video, I realized the universe was DARING me to ignore it. It was telling me exactly the things I needed to ignore, SO THAT I could wipe them from my world.

This isn't just a practice in the art of "rising above your fears" or "overcoming challenges." This is a practice in the art of MAKING THEM DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY, creating the reality you want to believe. And if I cease to respond emotionally and intellectually to the reality I fear, then it will cease to live. It only lives because I fear it and I believe it.

Our Reality Is A Reflection Of Us

Our reality is only a REFLECTION of our deepest desires, fears, beliefs, and values. If we react to a specific event in our reality in frustration, fear, and upset, then we are telling it,

“Oh, hi reality. I see you. I believe you. And I feel you. I am validating you. Therefore you are real.”

And so it continues to be real for us.

But if it crops up and we acknowledge its existence and then simply shuffle our attention away from it, pull our emotion under a heavy blanket of calm, and expand our energy and awareness above it all, and put it toward the thing we prefer, we will find the thing disappears. A lot quicker than if we fight against it, try to solve it, shout about it, and obsess over why it keeps showing up.

We are about to create a new reality. And All we have to do is put a heavy blanket over the old one. And it will sort itself out.

This is how it is done.

And this is why I am excited.

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