β˜€οΈ Soldisk NFTs Announced on cXc.world Music Dapp πŸ‘€ Utility NFT used to send Ups on cXc.world (Beta)

Soldisk NFTs

Soldisk NFTs' outside triangles appear and disappear according to the level of charge, in SOL

This document reflects changes that were made which aren't yet reflected in the rest of the Purple Explainer

Get to know SOL β˜€οΈ

SOL is the spark of the cXc.world economy. Soldisks are 🟣 PURPLE-backed NFTs that allow the holder to claim SOL based on time passed since last claim (called a recharge). One Soldisk is backed by between 1-256 PURPLE, and has a daily claimable amount from 24 to 288 SOL. 1 SOL is used for 1 Sol Up on cXc.world (learn about Top Charts). Each Sol Up pays the artist 1 BLUX, and the listener 1 BLUX.

How it Works

Soldisks are a WAX NFT that allows users to claim daily SOL, used for Sol Ups. The amount claimable is based on the level of the Soldisk. See table below.

If a Soldisk has been charging for more than a day, 1 day's worth of SOL is claimable (max). So listen to music everyday.

There's also a 'leveling' effect that makes low-PURPLE Solar Disks more efficient (as PURPLE per SOL), but less powerful (as SOL per day). This was designed to make it more democratic, while also giving an opportunity to those who would like to maximize their power + earnings on cXc.world, and also enrich the PURPLE economy by buying and staking PURPLE.

See the cXc.world πŸ—Ί

Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 11.48.10 AM.png

Empowering Listeners + Fans πŸ§β€

Soldisks give listeners the power (via Sol Ups) to generate exposure for undiscovered music they enjoy, and also support artists financially without spending money. This changes the dynamics of fandom, allowing a dedicated grassroots group to catapult any song to the Top Charts with a little patience and organization. Not only that, these fan groups (and individual fans) will help to financially support independent musicians on their journey.

Soldisk Grant 🌞

Soldisks require the scarce 🟣 PURPLE token to activate. To make sure the best users of cXc can get a Soldisk for free, a grant of 10,000 Soldisks (budget of 100k PURPLE) will be distributed. Disk levels 1, 2, 3 + 4 will be awarded according to a four-point verification of engagement (metrics TBA). If a user completes all 4 of these, they can claim a level 4 Soldisk.

How to get a free Soldisk 🀲

You can fill out a form linked when live to pre-register for your free Soldisk. We may evolve into an on-chain verification for the free Soldisk NFTs in the future.

New Paradigm: SOL v3.0

We had planned to make SOL a token that only our currentxchng account could control. We did this to try to keep our tokemonics sane + beneficial to artists and listeners alike. Now, this isn't needed as we've figured out how to do it with a normal eosio.token contract by using our new contracts to act as gatekeeper for SOL .

This new SOL model allows anyone to send Ups on cXc.world even before they buy/claim a Soldisk. By using SOL on the front-end, we put full control of votes in the hands of the voter.

SOL v3.0 will give charts a wider democratic effect, as people can easily buy SOL to support artists they find on cXc.world. It also gives them more options to support. BLUX will likely be cheaper to purchase and promote a song, but the artist doesn't get paid more BLUX for these UPs (though they do have a shot at PURPLE rewards.)

Check back to πŸ‘οΈ Soldisks in the wild

Soldisk Levels πŸŒ…

Each ascending level (1-12) unlocks 24 more SOL, and requires some amount of additional PURPLE staked. The amount of PURPLE needed for additional SOL increases as levels increase. The first 4 levels offer the most economical option at 1 PURPLE each level, while the last 3 levels each require an additional 64 PURPLE per level.

Level🟣 PURPLE stakedMax Charge (in SOL)Efficiency

The first 9 levels's stake requirement are the same as Everstones

This ramping model allows small holders to achieve 1/3 of the SOL impact (96 daily SOL) for 1/64 the maximum staked tokens (4 PURPLE for 96 SOL per day), and those who wish to get their full voice to do so by contributing more to the economy (staking more PURPLE).

Daily Claimable SOL

Soldisks can claim every time unit, or 5 minutes. Holders will always receive an amount corresponding to the time units passed, but no more than the Max Charge (See Soldisk Levels table above). This means a Level 1 can claim their max amount (24) every 2 hours (24 x 5 minutes = 2 hours), but waiting longer won't provide any benefit.

Staking PURPLE to a Soldisk

Staking additional PURPLE to an Soldisk is done via a transfer of PURPLE to simplebacked with a memo of the Soldisk's Simple Assets NFT ID (ex 100000005145313). Eventually, we'll let you stake more PURPLE right from cXc.world.

Only the current owner of the Soldisk can stake more PURPLE to it, so you don't need to worry about typing the wrong ID, as the simplebacked contract will return any PURPLE sent without a memo of an ID of a Soldisk currently held by your account. You DO need to be sure you send to simplebacked account.

⚠️ Double check before you don't stake more than 64 PURPLE to an Soldisk, as any more than 64 PURPLE won't add additional benefits, and will be locked on simplebacked until the Soldisk is burnt

Verify your PURPLE has been Staked 🟣

Visit the simplebacked contract's table. Ensure scope says "simplebacked". Under BOTH the Lower Bound: and Upper Bound: fields, paste your Soldisk's asset id (eg. 100000017584903)

Wait for Soldisk to Automagically Evolve

Your Soldisk NFT's metadata (and title) will update when you send the PURPLE to simplebacked and your next recharge will reflect your new level.

Unstaking PURPLE from Soldisk

Soldisk will automatically return all tokens staked when the NFT is burned. If a Soldisk is transferred and then burned, the owner at the time of burning will receive all tokens staked to the Soldisk. Partial unstake isn't possible. You must go supernova.

Tech + Contracts πŸ”Œ

Soldisk are Simple Assets NFT backed in Purple on a simpleassets NFT using the simplebacked contract to ensure all Soldisk return their PURPLE to the holder upon burning. (example tx)

Mechanics of SOL and Sol Ups

Contract pseudocode is now published, join in contract development in same repo

Soldisk store several pieces of data we use to ensure you get paid fairly. All Soldisk data is mdata or mutable data, so it can be updated by our currentxchng account.

Each time a Soldisk is paid, the mdata is updated to reflect the payment in the lifetime_sol, todays_sol, and last field. The last field holds the timestamp of the last payment.

Here's all the mdata on a Soldisk.

{ // WARN will change slightly with new contracts, images won't change
  "img":"", // Changes based on level
  "last_charge":"164476", // Time Unit of last recharge

// --- Image Metadata IPFS --- \\
diskImgs = [
  "QmVoTgrAPA7a9SAoY7cBt9rdixSG6n9qvr2j7igH2AB6V2", // 0
  "QmW6XzP38csCKRPAVSK8h9acnrcrDj8J6NrTvpr1eeEFtj", // 1
  "QmaJEXuzzVJTdpUsmgeensRn4sWJ2NWs8Q1YJSEkm4FbF4", // 2
  "QmYKWVKodp3b3492yFwGrkVUx3X4yRJMFeez17GXhPEKLT", // 3
  "QmeT2vdUumCqArBksy7JxQHTPA3TAYpDSxcjJCRH4dCEcP", // 4
  "QmeoxwrTQkNvgnHWJhLLiTrcWY92MoD7tFrZkoqZyDFBLJ", // 5
  "QmXo9WkyQWixPu3vZAmtcCRZfre2ugGD7eWF1FgVKTcw7V", // 6
  "QmXxtFMWgFDMtRM6ZqdqfqFws3JLS74eagUfybYwtts3Qf", // 7
  "QmcBYSYipCTC44As2pr9nANCnDkejJwrxeELtwChDuqszh", // 8
  "QmcFQmTVQfzVaZdJ2W5cc3GtjCS7jcojscsFJgV2r1kem9", // 9
  "QmT1Wpi5cP2L3V3boMi856Za6T5QuPKZ9zoGn6C6sApJzT", // 10
  "QmcYkD2EPveKLZpgHfgar78yQ1nHeNc7ZbHjVSVoWwLLqg", // 11
  "QmfSGT2mcC6BFx76b1USbVMx37v6XWioBYwavRNTHmxTqV"  // 12    

Ownership Requirements

To prevent gaming of the 20% participation requirement and blacklist system, only one Soldisk can be registered per account. Registering a different Soldisk will unregister the one you have registered, and first unregister it if it was already registered to another account.

πŸ‘β€ See it on a (old version) Soldisk


Current X Change is dedicated to harmonizing Humans, Collectives, and Gaia. Our media Mapps are just the start. As we refine Purple, we also seek to redefine what it means to come together as humans and co-create. We hope you'll enjoy the tools already here, and are infinitely stoked for what the future holds.

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New β˜€οΈ Earn πŸš€ with PURPLE/WAX pair on wax.defibox.io

What are BLUX and PURPLE? Find out in our Purple Explainer

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