Cuento: Sembrado una arepa | Concurso la arepa nos une [ESP | ENG]


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En un pueblo lejano de cierto país, había una familia que como muchas otras estaba pasando por algunas necesidades, entre las cuales una de ellas era la falta de comida, esta humilde familia estaba compuesta por tres miembros donde había un niño, llamado Diego.
In a distant village in a certain country, there was a family that like many others was going through some needs, among which one of them was the lack of food, this humble family was composed of three members where there was a boy, named Diego.


Su padre era un hombre trabajador que salía muy temprano a cultivar la tierra para conseguir el pan con el sudor de su frente y su madre era una mujer que con amor y dedicación atendía los quehaceres de su hogar. Una noche en casa se preparaban para la cena, la madre le da una arepa con mantequilla en un plato, ya que era lo que tenían por el momento, Diego mira a su madre y comparte una cálida sonrisa, y luego le da un gran mordisco a su arepa, mientras aún mastica, ve por la ventana a unos niños que pasan por la calle y no tienen hogar.
His father was a hardworking man who went out very early in the morning to cultivate the land to get bread with the sweat of his brow and his mother was a woman who with love and dedication attended to the chores of their home. One evening at home they were preparing for dinner, the mother gives him a buttered arepa on a plate, as it was what they had for the moment, Diego looks at his mother and shares a warm smile, and then takes a big bite of his arepa, while still chewing, he sees through the window some children passing by on the street who do not have a home.


Diego se pone un poco triste y le dice a su madre: —¿Podríamos sembrar una planta de arepa para poder darle a todos los niños una para comer? Su madre lo mira con admiración y le dice: —¡pronto Diego podrás verlo!, dándole un gran abrazo. Así que al anochecer Diego se despide de sus padres y se va a la cama a descansar.
Diego gets a little sad and says to his mother: "Could we plant an arepa plant so we can give all the children one to eat? His mother looks at him with admiration and says: soon Diego will be able to see him, giving him a big hug. So at nightfall Diego says goodbye to his parents and goes to bed to rest.


Cuando se queda dormido, Diego abre los ojos y su mamá lo llama para darle una deliciosa arepa, pero esta vez no la muerde, sino que piensa en sembrarla para conseguir muchas más arepas, y así sale de su casa y comienza a abrir un hueco para dejar allí su arepa y conseguir su planta de arepa, una vez sembrada entra a la casa a buscar un poco de agua para regarla, cuando salió ¡qué gran sorpresa se llevó! Un gran árbol de arepa había crecido en su patio.
When he falls asleep, Diego opens his eyes and his mother calls him to give him a delicious arepa, but this time he does not bite it, but he thinks about planting it to get many more arepas, and so he leaves his house and begins to open a hole to leave his arepa there and get his arepa plant, once planted he enters the house to look for some water to water it, when he left what a great surprise he got! A big arepa tree had grown in his backyard.


Y en ella, las arepas eran de todos los tipos y rellenos: de trigo, de chicharrón, dulce, de queso, tumbarranchos, de pan tostado, de coco y lo que más impresionó a Diego fue que en su interior tenían carne de res, pollo, cerdo, aguacate, caraota, huevo y vegetales, se alegró de ver todo eso, al instante decidió tomar todas esas arepas y comenzó a regalarlas a todos los niños y personas de su pueblo, estaba tan contento que pensó en sembrar muchas más.
And in it, the arepas were of all types and fillings: wheat, crackling, sweet, cheese, tumbarranchos, toast, coconut and what impressed Diego the most was that inside they had beef, chicken, pork, avocado, caraota, egg and vegetables, he was happy to see all that, instantly he decided to take all those arepas and began to give them to all the children and people of his town, he was so happy that he thought of planting many more.


De repente Diego escuchó una llamada y sintió un toque, era su madre y al verla se dio cuenta que todo era un sueño. Diego inmediatamente le cuenta a su madre lo que había pasado y lo feliz que se sentía, pero ahora estaba triste porque no era la realidad, su madre lo mira conmovida y le dice: —no te sientas mal mi amor, porque pronto todos tendremos algo que comer, recuerda siempre estas palabras Diego: "En la tierra habrá grano en abundancia, extraordinaria abundancia en las cumbres de las montañas" (Salmo 72:16). Recuérdalas mi amor, porque esta promesa nos la hace nuestro Dios Jehová.
Suddenly Diego heard a call and felt a touch, it was his mother and when he saw her he realized that it was all a dream. Diego immediately tells his mother what had happened and how happy he felt, but now he was sad because it was not reality, his mother looks at him moved and says: do not feel bad my love, because soon we will all have something to eat, always remember these words my Diego: "In the land there will be grain in abundance, extraordinary abundance on the tops of the mountains" (Psalm 72:16). Remember them my love, because this promise is made to us by our God Jehovah.


El titulo y todas las imágenes fueron editadas por mi en PowerPoint a partir de varias imágenes de freepng. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Gracias por leerme


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