Tower Power !! My entry to Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 246

Hello, shadow lovers. Hope you are doing well.

Any guesses what this tower might be? It's Eiffel Tower not the one in Paris but a miniature one here in a park in Delhi. New post will be coming later today or tomorrow showing you that park. It has miniature versions of the seven wonders of the world made from recycled parts of automobiles and other scrap metals.

Here is what the tower looks like. Sadly I couldn't get its complete shadows as it was confined into a small area and it was casting long shadows...much of that going over the trees there. But I still got an interesting shadow, with these lovely arches in the middle and crosses on the sides. Hope you like it as well.

This was my entry to the Shadow Hunters Contest 245 by @melinda010100. You can find more details here:- @melinda010100/shadow-hunters-smash-contest-round-8e8847b8d0fee

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Photos were taken from my phone and edited using the "Snapseed" app.
  • Text dividers are from @cryptosharan.

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