Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 36

Reflection or Illusion?

When I laid eyes on this view, I was baffled. Why? This is the first time I've seen or experienced heated water vapour emitted from the earth at such a grand scale; for I have not travelled the world, hence, this sight was bewildering to me. Nonetheless, I remained at awe at the majesty and amazingness of Mother Nature.

However, after further observation, some water vapours/mist/gases that consolidate and form mini fluffy clouds were reflections and not emitted from the lake/body of water, itself. Thus, I captured this because it looked so clear that I was not able to identify that it was just a reflection (but that's just me....🤣).

All content i.e. photos, videos, etc. are produced originally by me unless stated otherwise.
Captured with Sony Xperia.

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