Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh. Porters shadow - Karakorum

Karakorum, july 2005.

In 2005 I have been on Karakorum mountains, for a 120 km long trek between Karakorum region and Hindukush region, through 'Snow Lake' and Hispar pass (above 5000 meters high).

It was one of the most impressive trip I have ever done in my life! And also the first one.

Here I tried to tell about the hard life of pakistani porters, who took for us food, tents and all the stuff to afford a two weeks trek on glacier, in one of the wildest region of the planet.

I took next pic on Hispar glacier, at evening. Porters, after preparing tents and food, were resting. Glacier is huge, and on both sides, there were steep rocky moraines, where we slept for the night.
I love the reflection/shadow of them on the wet grass, like a double unreal world.

Beyond those rocks, the huge range of mountains and glacier, most of them without a name, high between 6000 and 6500 meters.

During the day, rivers became stronger due to melting water from secondary glacier. Here porters crossing a river, with old shoes made by plastic, to reach our camp (sorry for low quality pics, I took them by scanning print, original image are on 35mm black&white films, and I need time to get proper high resolution scans, maybe I will do when I will be retired).

Here a porter walking on Biafo Glacier, through Hispar pass, with the stove and many heavy stuff to manage lunch and dinner.

Don't miss to watch video about this trip:

Pictures taken with Nikon FE2, Hp5 b&w films and diapositive.
July 2005.

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