Event Hall Decoration ~ A Perfect Structure Makes A Perfect Design

Greetings Wonderful People.
It's a privilege to be able to share in this community.
And all thanks to the team behind such a great community, giving people the opportunity to share their building experience, their designs, and work.

This is my first publication here and with time I will share more of each work I am fortunate to go to.
This year I had a longing to join the decorations team.
And when I finally found one, I couldn't hesitate but do everything required to belong and also to learn quickly with time.

Our very first decoration and outing were slated on the 11th and 13th of February 2021.
We had an event; a wedding ceremony and we were to decorate, first, the compound of the bride on the 11th of February and then decorate the event hall on the 13th of February.

I never knew how stressful the decoration work is until I had my first experience 😁😂
Although it was stressful and tiring but it was worth the stress and time.
I learned about a few designs and had a fair knowledge about decorations and how to design a wedding hall.

I will show you a little process as I share my experience.
Do you know what they say? A good wedding dress makes a beautiful bride

In the same way, A good decoration, and design makes a perfect event hall
If your client isn't satisfied with your design or decoration then there is a problem or there is bound to be a problem or issue arises.
So we did our best to give the couple a perfect hall for their ceremony.

The couples chose the event center they needed to go for their ceremony and our work was to go make the place perfect with various designs and decorations.


The name of the event center is JE-NISSI EVENTS you can see the name on the signboard below.
Other events apart from the wedding ceremony are hosted there as well.


The building looks a little small from the outside but you would be amazed by the space on the inside. Though the compound is a little wide and can contain over 500 people, the inside can also contain such a number as well.


This is the side view of the stage. A curtain was used to cover up the ceiling, it was decorated in such a way that part of the curtain was let down to form a balloon at each point just like you have seen in the photo.


The upfront stage was decorated using a designer board and flowers (cherries and roses)


The lighting matters as much when it comes to design and decorations.
You see at some point the lights are changing colors from red to green. There is also a purple color change which you are likely to see in the other photos as we proceed


We used light lining material to cover the floor stage. Why we did this is because the color of the carpet was contradicting with the design and color of the day.
What I mean by color of the day is the color the couples chose for their wedding.
It's a known thing here in my country that every couple has their color during their wedding or marriage day. And this couple's color was Gold and Orange

That was the purpose of covering up the stage floor with the color of the day which is gold. Though the lightning makes it look like green but the actual color is gold


The finishing of the stage where the bride and groom would seat
The table was well decorated with flowers and so was the backstage.


Look at the stage from a distance. The stair leading to the stage was also decorated with carpet flowers and so was the ground floor using a pillar stuck up with cherry flowers.


The lighting changed color here giving the stage a different and astounding look. :)


And then to the ground floor where the guests will be seated, we decorated all the chairs and tables.
We covered up the chairs with white cotton clothing and then the table with a big table cover making it fall.


And here we have the right-hand side view. Not really catchy and a little blurry cause of how shaky I held the phone lol.


The center table was covered with gold color material. Then the rest was covered with white while the backside was covered with orange materials.


The lighting kept changing colors and this time it made the hall look purple.


The center light was not rightly placed, this is because of the structure and pattern of the hall. The lighting would have been perfectly placed in front of the runway but since the structure of the building didn't permit it, it had to be placed by the side.


The runway was decorated as well, using standing iron poles and lightings by the sides.

This is the backside, an entrance while approaching the hall and heading to the stage.


The ground floor was decorated with gold and orange silk after laying a carpet where the couples would match in.


Those iron poles were decorated with flowers as well and here you can see the sidelights lighting up and making the runway look lovely.


Each table had a center stand to fit in some flowers, also a perfect decoration.


And each table setting was placed right behind or beside one another in a straight line in rows and columns depending on the shape and structure of the hall.


Here is a more visible background view. You can as well see those orange table covers I told you about earlier.



There is something about this purple lighting I like so much. It makes the hall look cool


The green lighting just couldn't help but overshadowed the purple in this shot hahaha.


Did I tell you the wedding cake arrived while we were decorating the hall? 😁😋
We had to also decorate the table where the cake was placed. You can see it in the photo below.


Isn't this cake just lovely? Hahaha, we had to concentrate on our decorations and let the cake be hehe but I still captured the cake anyway cause I couldn't help lol.😉


And the final shot when all the things were set in places and very well positioned.
The lighting just had its way lol. I would have preferred the pure purple lighting but too bad I took this shot when all the lighting mixed up lol.


You bet this wasn't an easy task or work.
Now you understand when I say this work was damn stressful.
And we still had to pack up everything after the ceremony.
The wedding was a success and all thanks to God Almighty.

There are different patterns of design for each occasion and I hope to share more from time to time each time we have an outing or occasion.
Until then, thank you for following up on my decoration post.


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