Why can't you take a break from your computer or your phone?

Today, I thought of how things are beginning to take shape in my life, and for once I feel as though I am living my purpose. The last 100 days, I don't remember the day I worried too much about anything. I am always at peace with myself as though I have everything thought out. Truthfully, I haven't. All I do is make changes to my plans when needful, or continue on the same path if it's working out fine.

I am going to apologize first and foremost for how this writing is going to unfold. I will merely quote another wonderful author and fill in my thoughts and experiences. This is because I couldn't leave anything out of his writing. He did a wonderful job of penning all of the things every one of us is passing.

His writing takes cognizant of the need to take a break from our social media life, once in a while, and think through all of our decisions, actions, and deeds. Do you often get sucked up in the booze of your social media? It doesn't necessarily have to be your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn accounts, your Hive account could suffice too.

Take a break from your phone

Will I be wrong if I say we've all been addicted to this place? Maybe, maybe not.

Wait, where was I again? Yes, I remember. We have to take a break from social media sometimes. Go out there and feel the breeze on the face. Feel the Waves of the sea wash off your skin. Allow the sun to burn you a bit, wax in the glory of nature and all the things the Almighty has created.

@honeydue69 on the post, Take a moment. Make a plan practically took a trip away from his phone to think over the things that were burdening him. He spend his day with nature and the results were amazing. Here is his confession

Surprisingly, thoughts came to me unbidden, and soon enough, a solution began sketching itself in my mind with remarkable ease.

He explained the story would be different if he was asked the previous day. This is his moment of realization. He figured the internet even though it's important for all our lives and our jobs takes away a lot of simple things from us.

These days we find it difficult to call up our friends and talk at length with them. We are busy and we drop text messages here and there. And if we fail to respond on time, we feel guilty and apologize.

Today, I hope that after you read this, you will call someone up and speak with them about anything. It will surprise you to know that the connection will be surprising.

@honeydue69 confirmed it when he spoke with his cousin

We'd spent over an hour on the phone, yet we'd covered numerous subjects, and felt like we'd connected, and understood some things.

You see most of us are suffering from the phobia of calling as he said. We find it difficult to start a conversation and hold it till the end, offline. This is one of the realities of the internet. We have been engrossed in the things we are doing with our gadgets that we forget to bond with the people we love.

Today, suicide is rampant because of the things we see on the internet. Young men and women feel as though they have failed because of the Photoshop pictures and screenplays shown by their age mates on social media platforms.

We are no longer able to discuss the things that bother us so we do not look or sound out of place. We could go crazy for these things.

Last night, our social media accounts were down; the likes of Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. We didn't know what to do. This morning, most of my friends are joking about it. A lot of them say they resorted to calling their friends, others saw a movie until they slept off. Someone mentioned he had a boring night because of this.

How is it possible that we have become so addicted to social media that a bridge in connection for a few hours weighs us down? How come we couldn't think of any useful thing to do except seeing a movie? Does this mean the youths are soaked up in social media so much that we no longer have a life?

Well, Mr.Mark Zuckerberg was having system maintenance yesterday, and my friend said, he ought to apologize to us for giving us a boring night, and for ruining our lives and sleeping culture. Don't you think we have to rearrange our lives and the things we placed value on?

We need peace. It should come from within. How do we find peace when the turmoils we face emotionally, and psychologically weigh us down? I'll see you in the comment box

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