Let's embrace peace

I don't know if I believe any of the things that they say. I can't tell if they are telling us the truth or lies. I don't know if it is true that they are trying to make money off our ignorance. Aren't they other ways they can make money? of course they are.

Why would the government have to go through these measures to make money, when there are so many ways by which money can be made legally, without putting the lives of the people at risk? I mean why.

Yes, @lukestokes said we should find her triggers. if we are afraid it means it's true, if you are doubting, then, it is true. if we cannot explain the complexity of all the things that are happening then we should question them.

Let's embrace peace

We should not keep quiet and be led astray. Our unborn generations will not forgive us if we do not sit back and question the things that are being thrown at us. We should find a balance, yes we should.

For a fact, we are being divided some of us believe it's true, some of us believe it's not true and the rest of us are just, there.

We don't even know what to believe anymore yet we are fighting each other. If one of us does not agree with our opinions we tend to make an enemy out of them. If the other person suddenly changes what he believes in, we make an enemy out of him. We want them on our side but we have not investigated and found out if we are on the right side or not. What if all of us are being misled what if the government is thriving on our ignorance? what if?

This is why I joined @lukestokes in his post, We are being divided to say this 👇👇

Let peace reign. Peace in your heart and mind. If it’s time to surrender your views and open your mind to that which you currently disagree with, then surrender. If it’s time to fight, do so with a quiet confidence that allows as many people who do not want your war to remain outside it without becoming collateral damage.

Yes, let's allow peace to reign in all spheres of our lives. We shouldn't allow them to win, we should reach out, and get back our freedom. We should surrender our views if it's time. Or allow those who have realized the truth and speak up to do it without discrimination. Let's all stand for peace.

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