Emotionally triggered? - Here's some Do and Don'ts!

If you feel triggered emotionally quite often and notice you lose control over your mind then you need to know about a few do and don't about this. Because this will create a thousand negative thoughts and will blow your mind. And also this creates huge mental pressure. It's way more necessary to understand why we get triggered, why we take things personally, what triggered us, and what we need to do?



When you find yourself you feel triggered emotionally, about something without any logical reason, then you must take this seriously. Try to figure out as soon as possible. What makes you feel this way why you are taking this personality, what you need to do. Be very specific to find this because you will see how you lose control over yourself.

Next, if you find out what makes you feel that way, figure out what you need to do.

Let me give you an example!

If someone makes a joke, which is not actually meant for you and you find it offensive. Then try to figure out specifically why you feel that way. Do you have any problem with that person? Do you have any problem with the joke topic? After finding the cause try to figure out what you can do to erase the pressure. Talk with that person if that's what necessary. Understand your fear and your thought process. And be gentle to yourself.

If you find yourself feeling triggered quite often, then it will take time to get rid of it. But,

Never ignore this. Take the matter seriously why you feel that way.

Naver responds instantly. It will make you feel worse after the situation.

We need to deal with our fear, anxiety, and emotional status. We need to open up. If you feel there is something going on with any other person in your head then try to solve this immediately. Once we begin to understand what's making our mind, body, and heart feel that way it will be very easy for us to deal with our emotions.

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