Toys my segunda contribution to the LMAC Library [ ENG -ESP]

Hello my beautiful community today I bring you my second contribution inspired in animals, specially tigers and dragons, I really hope you like them and that they are of your benefit.

Hola mi hermosa comunidad hoy les traigo mi segundo aporte inspirado en los animales, especialmente en los tigres y dragones, espero realmente que les gusten y sean de su agrado.

Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
House / Casa casa, house , home
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Leon /lion leon, lion, animal, cat, gato
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Tomate/ Tomato Tomate, tomato, fruta
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales
Tigre/ tiger tigre, tiger, cat, animal, gato
Leon/ Lion Leon, lion, cat, animal, gato
Tigre/ tiger tigre , tiger, cat, gato, animal
Dragón/ dragon Dragon , animales

Pictures taken by me with a ZTE phone



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