Let's Make A Collage #96 - Trade City


This week, I not only struggled with a concept, but also the name for the picture 😂

I spent quite a bit of time just browsing through the LIL trying to get inspired by an image that would get the creative juices flowing for me this week. I finally landed on the temple-looking building by @brume7 and everything just started coming together at that point! So thank you for clearing up my creative block @brume7 !

After getting all the boats into the scene, it seemed like it needed some fog also. Once everything was in place, I messed around with the contrast and colors, trying to make it look a bit more moody.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Have a great week!

Template image from @shaka

All images were from the LIL! Thanks everyone for your pictures!

AuthorImage Title
@brume7Houses on the Water
@brume7Houses on the Water
@brume7Houses on the Water
@hernleon74Paisaje de Playa
@louis88Wing of an Airplane

3 columns
2 columns
1 column