Tastes like candy

I am a little nervous about sharing these pictures and mentioning this online, but I have always kept it real, so feel in order to keep my authenticity intact, I am obliged.

Most people know me here as someone who is quite serious and talks about serious matters, in a serious voice. Once upon a time I was looked over (literally) at a Fest in Poland, because a person assumed I would be much taller, as they imagined in their head I was a giant - awkward.

I write a lot, I write wide and I generally don't mess around, but here I am with a Gin and Tonic
in front of me...

With candy in it.


And I fucken' like it.

Granted, it's Tanqueray, so it isn't like I am "wasting" good gin, but I have actually started liking it more of late. Normally, I drink Hendrick's with cucumber or sometimes, ginger and cracked black pepper, or Napue (local Finnish) with lingonberry and rosemary - but, when I have been feeling a little frisky... Candy.

Sometimes I choose a candy type and color, but tonight I threw in some gummy bears and a couple red (that is a candy flavor) and licorice ones too - mmmmm.

The best bit is after I finish the drink, I get to chew on the candy and enjoy two of my favorite things - alcohol and sugar in one delicious package. The alcohol does something to the jubes and makes them extra chewy.

Edibles for alcoholics.

Actually, I don't drink that much (I do eat too much sweet food) as my wife doesn't really drink and I *prefer' not to drink alone, but I don't mind having a glass of wine or a mixer of some kind in the evening occasionally. It is nice as it makes me feel like an adult - until I see the candy at the bottom.


You know, I do take life seriously though and always have, but this doesn't mean I don't have fun. It is more quite the opposite actually, as a lot of people who are saying for me to "take it easy" tend to not be enjoying their lives that much - constantly complaining about this and that, why they aren't getting what they want., why people don't respect them, why they are struggling to pay their bills... perhaps it is because they didn't take life seriously enough.

I was talking along these lines with my daughter today, as she has her "grandparent money" burning a hole in her wallet and asked if I could take her to the shop to spend it on something. We are slowly teaching her about financial responsibility and economic opportunity, and her using her own money is important. While she ended up buying a toy cat to go with one of the many soft toys she has, she was also talking about working for money and what happens if a person doesn't work and can't afford to buy things for themselves.

You see - "grandparent money" isn't free money, she has to help them with something around their house in order to get it. It has been this way for a couple years already and she rakes some leaves, helps bake some bread or dusts. Essentially though, she knows that it isn't good enough to play games, she has to do something that they value and helps them in order to get rewarded. She is five, so this is child labor, but it isn't like she is operating a forklift.

But, what we were talking about today was that in order to have a job of some kind that brings money, it requires having a skill that people are willing to pay for. However, while it is nice to have the money, getting the skills and doing the work isn't always fun, as there are some parts that are difficult and take time to learn.

She is like me and while we are talking about things, she adds examples she can relate to, which is because since she was born, I have been creating examples that she can relate to when I explain things. This has worked well so far, as she is able to very quickly grasp concepts, visualize them and then has a mnemonic (like a save point) that she can use to very quickly recall what she knows and apply it.

There really wasn't much at the local supermarket to choose from, but we spent about an hour and half walking along the few small aisles, picking up and playing with random things and laughing together. Smallsteps and I have an absolute ball when we are out and about and when we are doing the things that she wants to do, it is even more fun. With the pace of life, it isn't always possible to give all the time she would like, but today we were there until she was sure she knew what she wanted.

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She walked with it for a couple minutes as we went and did the grocery shopping, looking at it hard. I knew what she was doing and after a little bit I asked, "so?"


She names all of her toys, but she puts a lot of thought into each, because once named, it isn't going to change name, so she takes the job seriously.

Speaking about serious issues,

I have finished my Gin, tonic and candy....

Shit's getting real.

Have a great week ahead!

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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