Memorial Day 2020: Remembering and Powering Down on Steem ...

Memorial Day is the American holiday where we remember and honor those of our military who paid the ultimate sacrifice to retain our freedoms.

Source: Creator Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

My father served in the U. S. Army in World War II. My father-in-law served in the U. S. Air Force and spent two years as a German POW (Prisoner of War). Both passed on years ago, but we still remember all they taught us.

Source: Creator JCDCreative on Pixabay

Three of my children are military veterans and either have served or are still serving honorably and to the best of their ability.


"War" on COVID-19

While we can no longer talk with them, my beloved and I can't help but wonder what our fathers would have thought about the "war" being "fought" against COVID-19. Here in America. And around the world.

Source: Creator jewhisperer on Pixabay

There is an old saying here in America - "The apple didn't fall far from the tree ..." This would be true for both of us, as we remember our fathers.

So ...

We can't ask them, but we have a pretty good idea. While they would take this "pandemic" seriously and exercise prudence in what they did in going about their lives, they most certainly would not be fearful. And they most likely would have a lot to say about the notion we all just need to go hide in our homes while the world falls down around us.

I may write another post on COVID-19 someday, but my readers of my posts know my position. I was skeptical of the "lock down" of America from Day 1. In many ways, we are thankful our fathers did not live to see this. We cannot imagine they would be happy to see what has become of far too much of the country they sacrificed so much to protect.


"War" between the Steem and Hive Blockchains

In my mind, it borders on sacrilege to compare anything in the "virtual worlds" on the Steem and Hive blockchains to the challenges of the "real world."

Still, the word "war" gets a "lot of play" these days and since the "Valentine Day Surprise" it just seems to keep escalating. The recently executed HF23 on the Steem blockchain took the whole mess to another level.

Source: Creator TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay

With the little time I am currently willing to invest in looking into all the details, I saw enough this morning to make a reluctant, but final decision (barring some extraordinary reversal of recent patterns ...). The delegations in the accounts over which I have some influence have been stopped. Once these delegated amounts have been fully restored to their accounts next Saturday morning, I will execute a full powerdown in all of them.

As I find more and more of the Steem blockchain in ruins, the one aspect of the "war is hell" imagery I could see applying is that of "collateral damage". A lot of good people who had absolutely nothing to do with all that has gone on between the two "enemy combatants" have been hurt by it.

Beyond that, I have nothing more to say on the subject. As a mere "1%'er," I have learned my view on these internal issues doesn't matter.

Thank you for reading my Memorial Day post, dear reader. Under the circumstances of the crazy world in which we live, I hope you and yours have been able to enjoy a comparatively good day. My beloved and I did and all is well with us here.

Hivian @roleerob

🐝 🍯 🐝

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