The hi(s)tory of a melancholic Romance!


Once there was a story and he tried to write about his own Romance! At first he thought writing about a novel, where words may come smoothly. But donno wich is thing that made him writing the history (his-story) the melancholic past he left long ago.

He can still remember them. The memories are clear like a fog less morning rising sun. They hart him; try to brought him there. It was the harsh winter days that almost tried to made their life so hard that they need to migrate from their home and shift elsewhere.

It was the time for him to start a life with the new ambience of opportunities in the unknown land of the Red Indians.

:Sir! Your tea..

Someone is talking. Suddenly our story comes back to reality. Yes, now he is sitting on his comfort chair watching the rhythm of sea waves by the sea and trying to write his words peacefully. Somewhere deep inside his or him lives the melancholic blue box that he dare to open.

It has a lot of it which our story tried to keep it locked.

He gave a gentle sip and light a cigarette and sink into the depth of his fading pictures of hardship and tears.

He is a good listener of stories. He noticed, people telling people the story of demons that dances the death spell and drinks blood. It haunted our story from his childhood to now on.

He thinks he has seen them. Felt them early!
What words can describe the condition of a boy dreaming but not finding out what is the real world and how it functions. He wonders!

After leaving their home, his family sifted to a nearby city. He hard the stories about cities. He didn't like them.

However, here a new chapter begins...
His parents rented a small house at down-town. It was a one-room extension with no light. He along with his three siblings didn’t understand the present situation as they were small.

Start of a new life, beginning of a new drive. But it was not that much simple for him to forget their vast farmlands and the small wooden farmhouse. He thought it was a foolish act leaving that place. But he has no idea about the things that happened with his father alongside the bad weather.

Some powerful people wanted all the farmlands to build a big industry there. The investors tried to drive the landowners giving a small money of by force.

:Sir! Sir! Sir!....!

Again a sudden break hits his rumination of past. It is his medicine time. Oh! He walks inside..

In his young days, he used to be a struggling person. I've met him when he was walking alone with his favourite dog Shaggy!

That day he told me about his young life and gave me a life lesson.

He said,
I've seen worse boy! I lived in the dirtiest part of the city, did any work that I found for survival only. That was my first priority. Nothing else came into my mind back then.

You may be surprised to know that, my fortune what people see now is totally earned by me only. Starting a business investing only myself and a mountain confidence was not that much easy. My pocket was empty. But the dream that was filled in within me gave me strength.

Running after success is the thing that I choose to avoid; rather I thought doing my job with honesty and give my clients the best service and product. That is simply my way boy!

He told me about his million dollar company; his success and struggle made me think about his old days that he want to forget.

The melancholic setting of his past life.
Our story is sleeping now.
I guess trying to enjoy his nap. Waiting for the next day to start.

There was not that much left.....

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