Engage in Hive

What do you want Hive to be?

Hive is a true community project, therefore, it can be whatever we want it to be. I can express my view and you can express yours, and in combination we will get somewhere wonderful. Personally speaking, that is all that I would like to receive from this 'social-experiment'. It is really that simple.


#POSH Initiative

In the simplest form it is "proof of share". Hive blockchain is now more than 1 month old and the majority of the technical issues are now behind us. We therefore, can focus on the social elements of the blockchain, which is the fundamental goal. Currently, what is needed from all community members is content, and to spread the reach of that content.

Again, I can talk about it from my personal view point. As a stakeholder in this blockchain, I want to support excellent content. Content can't be bought, but it can be supported! There are multiple individuals and projects are thinking along the same line: @blocktrades, @theycallmedan, @threespeak and @ocdb pledged that they going to dedicate a % of out voting power to reward engagement on some posts every day. You can find more details here.

What is an Excellent Post and What is Engagement?

I know what you are thinking: here we go into the murky water again! No, it is not that. Instead of focusing of the disagreement, let us focus on something we can agree on. Your definition of good content may differ from my definition of good content, and that is perfectly fine. It creates diversity, which is a wonderful thing. Typically, I have seen that we can agree of the effort. We can usually understand how much time and energy it takes to generate a content.

What I like to add to that is Engagement. I know, that some of you might be introvert. You may want to shoot that "perfect photograph' with a lot of effort and post it with little words or background information. then when someone comments on that post, you may be too busy to respond. Yes, that's possible, and yes that's fine (from my point of view).


But, can I please ask you a for personal favor? Please try a little more, please write a bit more, even if you do not want to. Please respond to comments with more than a few words. Try to "engage" with your audience, even if you are an introvert. This can be learned. There is no other place better than the social media for it. As you are behind a keyboard :)

Commenting on the posts of others, answering your readers’ comments, and asking back a few questions to the reader is engagement.

What are the requirements

First of all, it is not really a contest, so it does not have an end date. It will continue hopefully forever. There 'rules', if you even call them rules are simple, and described in the post here:

  • The topic is open. You can post about whatever you want, it just needs to be high quality, just limit it to one post per day that you will be sharing on Twitter.
  • On your Hive post, use the tag #POSH and post to a specific community - it doesn't matter which one, as long as it exists and it's got an audience. If you don't know of a community or can't decide where to post, then posting to the OCD community (174578) is for you.
  • Share your Hive post on Twitter. Use the most characters on Twitter, make it appealing to the outside users - perhaps describe your post, clickbait, encourage others to read it, you pick - and use the hashtags #hive and #posh.
  • At the bottom of your post, invite readers to comment on the post, as engagement MAY get rewarded due to the (challenge link) initiative. At the same time, leave a link to your Twitter Post to show #ProofOfShare - #POSH.
  • If you are a video creator, follow the same guidelines but post through @threespeak.

Yes, it seems like a long list, but it really isn't. Just tag it #posh and share in twitter the link of your post. Actually, for someone like me, I don't even have a twitter (yeah, not much of a following), so I will just tag #posh here and post it in OCD community. You can post it in any community of your choice.

Closing Comments

There are other initiatives for engagement for existing users and to on-board new users:

  • Engagement league by @abh12345, check him out. He is a wonderful spokesperson for Hive!
  • Trend this effort by @joshman; check him out here.
  • @pharesim 's 2000 HP donation to new Hive users (original and human) here

From my personal point of view, I will reward every meaningful suggestions and interactions on this post. I am willing to invest a significant amount of my savings into hive. I want to invest in you, in us. Please help us succeed.

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