Introduction - Andrea Magdalene


Hello everyone, I hope you are doing amazing! I am Andrea Magdalene and I'm a skincare content creator. I am literal skincare nerd. I'm super passionate about it and I'm super excited to share my piece of knowledge with you all. I hope to help y'all out by sharing what I think I know best.


So that was a gist of what my content is all going to be about. Let me tell you all a little about myself. I'm an 18 year old student or let me say soon-to-be B. Arch student (subtle flex). Yes, I am going to be losing my sleep for the next five years and many more years after that. My hobbies? Too many. I'm not great at anything I do, but I enjoy the process. Nothing distinct, I just paint sometimes, photograph some other time and make videos for my Instagram.


That's all I have to say about myself.
I am not a skincare specialist whatsoever. I will not be posting anything that needs the consultation of a professional. Always remember to take my posts as a grain of salt. With that being said I'm super pumped to be posting on a whole new platform!

Lastly I want to thank my talented Friend Ramesh @bighungrypanda for pushing me to do this! ❤️

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