I have noticed something

Since I have followed a few new people that have joined Hive recently.

My Hive feed has been pretty much been safe.

Safe in that I have not had a good passionate discussion about anything that would make knickers get knotted.

I have not had my breathing increase my heart rate.

This means that I am either getting complacent in just letting the world run its course or you lot have not given me anything to bite.

I am quite disappointed.
With myself.

Also I have not had a good laugh from reading a post from someone that I follow lately.

Even my posts have not garnered any real discussions. I see it on the big users. I see all the time with them.

Its all the little ones wanting their attention in the hopes they get that lucrative uptick.

The pursuit of earning their bread for the year.

Well I think I have not pissed people off to, probably because I am not in a right frame of mind lately since I am not getting fed shit.

In fact I have ghosted someone recently. They are a user.

Not a substance user. I don't mind those. I am talking about those ones that hang around you like a tick and keeps people around them because they see a use for them.

I don't like those kinds of people. I hang around people and keep people for that interaction with no expectations of returns.

Anyway. I think I should end it here. I think I've said too much.

You can vote for this if you want or you can just enjoy this little mind thought. I think it's a good practice for tomorrow when I have to right three reports.

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