Portrait study 27

Hello dear friends! I hope you are having a great week. I am once again with you to continue sharing my illustration work. This time I present another of my finished illustrations corresponding to the series of "portrait studies", where I have proposed to portray mainly female faces in order to improve my drawing and coloring technique while looking for my own language to use in later projects.


For this illustration I have decided to work the drawing in a simpler way than I have been doing, I have made only a line art with pencil on paper, playing with the valorization of the line to give a little dynamism to the drawing. Once this was done, I digitized it with a printer scanner at a resolution of 300 dpi and then colored it in the digital tool Photoshop. The reference image I have taken from Pinterest, a huge library of inspiration for various creative projects.

Line art.


A bit of the process.


Well friends this has been all for this delivery, I hope to be back with you very soon to continue sharing more of my work both in development and completed. Thanks for your attention.

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